View Full Version : Bad Day :(

11-01-2012, 12:20 PM
Well crud. I thought maybe I was starting to feel a little better but today has knocked me on my butt again :(

I guess I felt a little weak and lightheaded when I first woke up today. I laid back down and watched TV for a few.

After awhile I started to feel guilty. My daughter hasn't been outside for days since its been raining so much. I decided to get motivated and take her for a nice walk because I noticed it was not raining out!

First things first, had a couple things to quickly take care of. When I finished vacuuming I noticed I felt kind of dizzy again. I then became aware that my heart was REALLY pounding. Much harder than I am used to. "Calm down Kristy" I told myself... "You're in control, been through this a million times, you are okay"... I then thought again about the medication (Celexa) I am on and the rumours that it can cause heart problems. "No Kristy, you're being silly, everything is okay"... Heart seemed to slow a little. I got ready to take my daughter out. Got up from putting her shoes on and holy crap... thought I was going to pass out. Sat on the couch and tried to calm myself for 5. Again decided that I am in control, I am not dying. Made it to the front door, down the hall and felt reaaaallly dizzy. Had to turn around. :( Now here I sit feeling guilty and useless for not taking my daughter out but feeling like something might be really wrong with me. I feel exhausted. :(

What a bad day.

11-02-2012, 06:00 AM
I'm so sorry you had such a bad day.....I've had my days like this too. I hate that dizzy feeling that makes me feel like I want to pass out. The only thing that seems to work for me is distractions, of some sort. I get down and start to play with my kids, any silly game just to distract me for a while, or I find a funny show on TV, or I pick up a magazine and read a few pages. Sometimes I will call my mom or sister, and just talk about anything...to distract myself.
One thing I notice is, if I do not eat properly, or on time, I start to feel more dizzy spells. Had you eaten? Also, try to stay hydrated.

11-02-2012, 08:45 AM
I really feel for you and completely identify with what you are experiencing. I'm quite fortunate in that my symptoms don't quite prevent me from doing things like you've described but your feelings & sensations sound almost identical to mine.

I agree about the distraction side of things but for me it has to be a particular type of distraction. Just sitting and watching your favourite program on TV or a film just won't work for me because my brain will still wander to the "what if's". Instead I have to do something that occupies my mind & my hands & be something that I enjoy. It needs to challenge me enough to completely occupy my mind but not be something that would put me under stress of failure. Admittedly it's a bit niche but it works for me.

Good luck with, be strong & remember that you can be in control - you just need to take control.

11-02-2012, 08:58 AM
I agree about the distraction side of things but for me it has to be a particular type of distraction. Just sitting and watching your favourite program on TV or a film just won't work for me because my brain will still wander to the "what if's". Instead I have to do something that occupies my mind & my hands & be something that I enjoy. It needs to challenge me enough to completely occupy my mind but not be something that would put me under stress of failure. Admittedly it's a bit niche but it works for me.

Agree with this.

I said the same thing the other day in a thread... TV just doens't cut it because you can still sit there and think.

Without doubt, the best method for me is human interaction (e.g. go and see / be with someone). Talking is one if not THE best
forms of distraction.

11-02-2012, 10:06 AM
Aww! I feel bad for you! I get the same sometimes aswell, I've noticed that when I stay in for a few days I get very nervous about going out again, I agree with trinidiva aswell about food, I've noticed if I haven't had my weetabix for a while when I get up I feel really, really weak, my heart pounds out my chest n its hard to get hold of myself, I eat and within 20 minutes I'm fine again.
Next time this happens drink something or eat some fruit, it makes all the difference, my heart racing doesn't really affect me I use the old 'breathe in deeply so your belly expands but not your chest teqnique' that makes me feel instantly better, try it! And don't feel guilty by time your daughters old enough to remember you being like this you will be cured. One day is not going to make a difference to her. Guilt is not worth the anxiety it causes.

11-02-2012, 10:13 AM
Thanks for everyone's replies! :)

I'm not sure if it was a food issue or not? I had eaten 2 pieces of toast only 2 hours before said incident. About 1 hour after I posted this yesterday I did begin to feel better after sitting down and having a yogurt.

Also happy to report that after she had her nap, I DID end up taking my little one out for a little walk! I think a lot of my anxiety has to do with feeling like I am a bad mother. I feel a lot of guilt so often and often feel restricted to what I am able to do for her. :/

Thanks again :)

11-03-2012, 01:58 PM
I really hope you feel better soon, what a terrible day for you. I have a child too and can relate to some of things you out in the original post

11-03-2012, 02:17 PM
I really hope you feel better soon, what a terrible day for you. I have a child too and can relate to some of things you out in the original post

Thanks gmb1, I really appreciate it! I'm hoping I start to feel better after my appointment with the GI this coming week. Of course if it is BAD news... :/

I'll cross that bridge when I get there!! :)