View Full Version : Hello - all about me

11-01-2012, 11:05 AM
Hi everyone, first time for me to be posting on here.

I've suffered with anxiety all my life and I have managed to always overcome things myself (to a certain degree) but on Monday I started a new job and had a sever panic attack and I've had to tell them that I can't take the job on. I feel now like I need some more help. I'm worried that when I manage to find a new job I'm going to have the same feeling/experience again and I won't be able to cope. Rather than just 'dealing' with things I feel that I now really need to get something done about this.
My anxiety affects many different areas of my life but I'm perfectly fine with going out and meeting people. In fact, probably one of the strongest things about me is meeting people and chatting or helping them out. But trying to go on Holiday with my girlfriend is nearly impossible. That feeling of being away from Home I suppose or going somewhere like a restaurant and not being able to leave. I was in my last job for 2 and a half years and I really got on well with the people there and I couldn't even go out to like a 'work meal' with everyone as I knew I would feel sick and completely loose my appetite. Recently, driving has become a little bit more of an issue but I am still driving and telling myself 'nothing is going to happen'.

I think the main thing that set my panic attack off was the fact that I had to travel 50mins to my new job and then had to travel out to customer sites with people I didn't know. I get travel sick anyway and the fact that I had to then get in as a passenger and travel for an hour and then be at a site for a few hours and then travel completely took that control away from me and I was worried and telling myself the whole time not to feel sick or have an attack. Now that I've taken this fear away and left the job I can feel myself returning to normal, even though I have that feeling at the back of my head that I've let this amazing opportunity pass me by for a new career. The main thing is i don't want this to happen again and I want to 'cure' myself of anxiety and panic and crazy thoughts but is this even possible?

I was looking at the Panic Puzzle website that came through when I signed up to this forum - does anyone know if this is worth doing?

11-22-2012, 06:32 AM
it just wasnt the job for you. Find one that makes you feel good not bad. We all have parts of our jobs that we dont like but if it makes you misserable then get a different one. My wife always tells my that I make my job look easy or that I am very good at it. My job stresses me out all the time but for some reason I can handle it most of the time. Find a job that has some kind of reward that that is important to you and it may not be big bucks.

11-22-2012, 07:41 PM

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Maybe you could get a job in sales or retail, so that you can use your strengths. Just a thought. Also, you may want to start journaling your thoughts and feelings, to help work out those latent anxiety feelings. Let us know how you're doing.
