View Full Version : Exercise, exhaustion and anxiety

Kelly C
11-01-2012, 10:39 AM

I have anxiety but every day I am facing my fears in order to get over my anxiety.
For example today I started work again for the first time in 4 months, I felt like I was going to collapse when I went in to start my first shift but I fought it and lasted through my first shift.
On a daily basis I feel like I am close to having an anxiety attack (feeling faint, dizzy, hot, and can't stop thoughts going through my heady). I really want it to stop.

I have started kite surfing again recent,y as I don't want my anxiety to take that away from me, although the day after I feel TERRIBLE. I am achey everywhere and physically tired, during these days I feel my anxiety is really really bad.

Is it Norma, for your body to struggle fighting anxiety after a lot of exercise?

11-01-2012, 10:48 AM
Great for you for starting work, and having a successful first day!

I have never went kite surfing but it sounds like fun! Do you go often or have you just started doing it after a long time away from exercise?

I always find that when I start exercising after a long time (months, years) of not being active, I feel achy all over and sometimes tired the next day, especially if I had worked muscles that haven't been used in ages. But I don't know if that's what you are feeling or if it is more than that.

Have you spoken to a doctor? Sometimes they have good advice.

Kelly C
11-01-2012, 12:35 PM
I haven't done it for a while due to having an operation, this week and last week I went for over 1 1/2 hours and both days after I felt my anxiety was terrible. I was just wondering whether being physically tired can make it harder to deal with anxiety?