View Full Version : "staring" problem. Can anyone relate/help?

11-01-2012, 02:11 AM
I've had social anxiety along with my bipolar disorder for as long as I can remember. It cycles much like my moods such that when I have depression I usually have social phobia. This has always been difficult to handle, however lately my social phobia has taken a new, and frankly, disturbing direction.
Every time I enter a social situation, even if it's among life long friends, I become uncomfortable. This is usually due to my eye contact. I've always been hyper aware of eye contact but now it seems like I unintentionally stare at people out of the corner of my eyes despite my strongest efforts not to do so. It's almost as if my vision is fucked up and my eyes refuse to NOT look at people. Anyone in my proximity "pops" out of the background. Its worse with women because i don't want them to think Im a creep, thats not the type of guy i am. Even when I am not looking my thoughts and paranoia leave me constantly worrying about it. Watching tv with people is getting hard. When I start getting anxious I display the classic signs which I believe they pick up on, making them uncomfortable.
I've tried breathing techniques and simply relaxing and forgetting about everyone but nothing is working. I'm scared. Has anyone else experienced this or know something that works? I appreciate any and all input.

02-01-2013, 11:35 PM
I've had social anxiety along with my bipolar disorder for as long as I can remember. It cycles much like my moods such that when I have depression I usually have social phobia. This has always been difficult to handle, however lately my social phobia has taken a new, and frankly, disturbing direction.
Every time I enter a social situation, even if it's among life long friends, I become uncomfortable. This is usually due to my eye contact. I've always been hyper aware of eye contact but now it seems like I unintentionally stare at people out of the corner of my eyes despite my strongest efforts not to do so. It's almost as if my vision is fucked up and my eyes refuse to NOT look at people. Anyone in my proximity "pops" out of the background. Its worse with women because i don't want them to think Im a creep, thats not the type of guy i am. Even when I am not looking my thoughts and paranoia leave me constantly worrying about it. Watching tv with people is getting hard. When I start getting anxious I display the classic signs which I believe they pick up on, making them uncomfortable.
I've tried breathing techniques and simply relaxing and forgetting about everyone but nothing is working. I'm scared. Has anyone else experienced this or know something that works? I appreciate any and all input.

I have the exact staring problem!... I don't even look at people yet they think I'm staring at them and its ridiculous. Girls often think I'm a creep and some guys even think I'm gay. I can't do anything about it but that's hard to accept. I'm in high school and its really hard to "live". Sigh. Just wanted to share

02-03-2013, 01:18 AM
Wear dark glasses they work really well! Nobody can see your eyes ect... :-)