View Full Version : OCC and constantly worrying over family health

10-31-2012, 10:51 AM
I'm hoping some of you could help with tips.

The last couple of years my Mom has had some health issues. Fortunately those have been resolved and she feels good. However, now my OCD focuses on family health.

If they have an appointment for a health screening or test, I'm in absolute panic until the results come back. If there is a looming appointment then I worry about that incessantly.

Any tips? If there is a health appointment which is inevitable I fear that if there was ever sonething bad to happen the. I'd fall apart emotionally and lose my job, etc.

I really wish I was able to live in the moment, but as soon as I know someone may be dealing with a health issue or even routine annual appointment of some type then I absolutely worry and feel like a dark cloud is following me around until the results come back. The fear of the unknown.

Advice would be greatly appreciated.

10-31-2012, 10:52 AM
The thread should be titled OCD. Not OCC.

10-31-2012, 06:49 PM


10-31-2012, 07:02 PM
Sounds like GAD.....I do the same thing......worry myself for no reason at all....it usually turns out to be nothing at all.......
Have you spoken to a doctor yet?

10-31-2012, 07:30 PM
yup, among the many things that I stress out about and ultimately lead to anxiety is family health issues.

11-01-2012, 07:00 AM
Sounds like GAD.....I do the same thing......worry myself for no reason at all....it usually turns out to be nothing at all.......
Have you spoken to a doctor yet?

Yep, I see a CBT Therapist, bu sometimes hearing from fellow anxiety prone people seems to help. Anyone have any techniques to help them with their anxiety?

One for me that has helped lately is to remember that I'm NOT in control if there were ever a health issue, there are medical professionals for this, and to try my best to enjoy the present.

Anyone have any 'redirecting' techniques? In other words, they get stuck in a worry cycle and how to break that cycle mentally? I tend to catastrophise every situation, but really want to work on the rational part of treatment being available for almost all illnesses now, etc.

11-01-2012, 11:06 AM
When I start getting anxious, I distract myself with other things. I read comedy articles online (satire, college humor, cracked.com). I know it is a terrible waste of time, but it helps. I watch a tv show that I become obsessed with (right now it is once upon a time but it used to be Glee)), watch YouTube videos of interest ( I like musicals), listen to musical soundtracks and sing along.

These really are my temporary distractions that I feel block my anxiety or shut it off for the time being. They don't really let me think about the obsessive thoughts so I can dispute them (aka CBT) but I am a master at avoidance techniques.

Unfortunately this isn't a long term cure for obsessive thoughts so I recommend sticking to meditation, CBT and other treatments for Anxiety for that purpose. I have to start one of those soon.