View Full Version : Help with bad Anxiety

10-31-2012, 05:46 AM
Ok so basically I'm a 19 year old male who's had Anxiety for years now in terms of being shy around almost everyone but recently after some life events such as leaving college/finding a job, parents divorce and then losing my mom to an alcohol related illness it's got incredibly bad. I've been completely health all my life but since these events happened I began getting stomach pains and cramps, I went to the doctos and had blood tests and even an ultrasound and everything came back completely clear but because of my anxiety I was constantly worrying and I swear I've been to the doctors at least 12 times this year all of them saying I appeared anxious and maybe even slightly depressed. I find myself worrying constantly and I seem to be "imagining pains" that are apparently nothing, can anyone give me any advice on sorting this and helping me get over this constant worrying?

Thanks for any advice!

10-31-2012, 10:58 PM

I sounds to me like you have had a lot of tough changes in the past couple of months/years. Parent's divorce, mom passing away, college (and leaving college- never an easy decision to make)

From the sounds of what you've experienced and what pains you are having, and the negative tests results...it does seem like the pain is from emotional stress, which is sort of what the docs have said. I don't believe that "it's all in your head". I think your body has taken in so much in so little time, emotionally, and your body is reacting now to all that pent up stress. I know this sounds a bit scienc-y. It has to do with that flight or fight mechanism.

Anyway, what probably helps the most is finding time to relax and do what you enjoy- sports, exercise, seeing an awesome movie, listening to music or playing and instrument if you do. Usually people say do yoga or meditate, do deep breathing, those are good at relaxing so the stress goes down. But I have never followed through with meditating, or yoga, even when I was stressed to the max and knew its supposed to work.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that relax you?

These are just my recommendations but If you are getting help from doctors and such listen to them too.