View Full Version : Fight or flight

sioux k
10-30-2012, 08:28 PM
Anyone experienced this? I ran back to my parents after 31 years of marriage, I am only just learning that I have an anxiety disorder which i have lived with for years! I thought it was just me being timid or frightened and now I realise that this has kept me in an unhappy marriage for years and hindered my courage to face up to the issues that made me like this

10-30-2012, 08:46 PM
Anyone experienced this? I ran back to my parents after 31 years of marriage, I am only just learning that I have an anxiety disorder which i have lived with for years! I thought it was just me being timid or frightened and now I realise that this has kept me in an unhappy marriage for years and hindered my courage to face up to the issues that made me like this

yup, its called anxiety

10-31-2012, 01:30 AM
Anyone experienced this? I ran back to my parents after 31 years of marriage, I am only just learning that I have an anxiety disorder which i have lived with for years! I thought it was just me being timid or frightened and now I realise that this has kept me in an unhappy marriage for years and hindered my courage to face up to the issues that made me like this

This is not an uncommon story.

Anger / depression / unhappiness and anything bad can cause high anxiety and worse - fight or flight.

What likely happened is that, despite knowing deep down that you're unhappy in this relationship... you stuck with it.
For years you've held it in / bottled it up / fought the truth / living a lie for the sake of comittment.

Better late than never! lol

sioux k
10-31-2012, 05:31 AM
I'm in limbo!!! Can't move on cant go back....don't know what to do ...at crossroads and don't know where to go...scared, frightened and haven't got the strength to fight emotionally any more

10-31-2012, 05:46 AM
Start with a visit to a GP, pdoc or counselor. Alankay

sioux k
10-31-2012, 07:10 AM
Have gone to gp next is relate councillor I think