View Full Version : Racing thoughts driving me off the walls!

10-30-2012, 06:53 PM
So, long story short... I've been dealing with heavy sexual issues and intense worry over the span of the last few months. It's been on going, but has progressed positively into the healing point thus far. I've been experiencing slight depersonalization and derealization mainly from this anxiety consistently for the past month or so. It's been extremely difficult... easily the hardest tribulation I've ever had to overcome in my life thus far. I was worried for two months straight that I was going crazy... I was convinced! Absolutely convinced and on my way to accepting it. Since then, I've been going to a psychiatrist for the last eight weeks....helped TREMENDOUSLY (I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried or is scared to.. get a good one). Anyways, the reason I'm on here is because the fear of going crazy must of swept back into my subconscious and now....I've been chronically paranoid of hearing my name in every little sound I hear... the tock clicking works with my inner dialogue to make me think I'm hearing my own name being whispered .... it's just a very, very annoying thought pattern... how can I get out of this?! It's like your conscious whispering your name constantly... it really is a lack of control in my own thoughts I think... would meditation be the best thing for me at the moment?? Thanks in advance!

10-30-2012, 08:43 PM
So, long story short... I've been dealing with heavy sexual issues and intense worry over the span of the last few months. It's been on going, but has progressed positively into the healing point thus far. I've been experiencing slight depersonalization and derealization mainly from this anxiety consistently for the past month or so. It's been extremely difficult... easily the hardest tribulation I've ever had to overcome in my life thus far. I was worried for two months straight that I was going crazy... I was convinced! Absolutely convinced and on my way to accepting it. Since then, I've been going to a psychiatrist for the last eight weeks....helped TREMENDOUSLY (I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried or is scared to.. get a good one). Anyways, the reason I'm on here is because the fear of going crazy must of swept back into my subconscious and now....I've been chronically paranoid of hearing my name in every little sound I hear... the tock clicking works with my inner dialogue to make me think I'm hearing my own name being whispered .... it's just a very, very annoying thought pattern... how can I get out of this?! It's like your conscious whispering your name constantly... it really is a lack of control in my own thoughts I think... would meditation be the best thing for me at the moment?? Thanks in advance!

try picking up a smartphone and playing a game like tetris or bejeweled. It makes you focus on one thing.

10-31-2012, 04:44 PM
try picking up a smartphone and playing a game like tetris or bejeweled. It makes you focus on one thing.

Thanks, will try. Has anyone else experienced this?

10-31-2012, 05:15 PM
Can't say I've had the exact same but I can tell you this...

Having experienced anxiety disorder / panic attacks - I now have a full appreciation of how the mind can go wrong.

I had (and still have a little) health anxiety. In particular - heart attack.

This fear becomes so engrained that it pretty much takes over your entire way of thinking.

Your quote "must of swept back into my subconscious" is EXACTLY right. The fear and reaction to it becomes subconscious and automatic... pretty much out of your control.

Health anxiety sufferers endure a similar situation in that, where you believe you hear your name in every sound, health anx. sufferers believe that every twitch / twinge / itch / pain / ache is a chronic illness & often a sign of impending death.

What we all have in common is a lack of the "rationality filter". Thoughts / sounds / sights / smells / sensations are NOT passed through the rationality filter... instead they bee-line straight for the panic button.

It passes... now you're seeing a therapist things should continue to improve.