View Full Version : New here

10-30-2012, 08:04 AM
Hello, I am looking for some advice. I have been on zoloft for my severe anxiety two times prior to this, and had much success with it. Aside from weight gain, it was great and helped me live a normal life. Recently, I was weened off of the zoloft, and tried buspar. Buspar just didn't work for me so now I am trying to go bak to zoloft after being off of it for a month or so. However, I am having some side effects, started with the start up anxiety and insomnia, now I still have insomnia and some diarrhea. Wondering how long the disagrees should last. Very uncomfortable. Not helping me get motivated.

10-30-2012, 08:07 AM
These are symptoms I have never experienced from zoloft before. Also, appetite is very low, doc says that is normal. Diarrhea just causes me a Ton of anxiety and wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Or anyone who has taken buspar and zoloft together?

10-30-2012, 10:32 AM
Me!!!! I am taking 45mg of buspar and 1ml of liquid Zoloft per day. I had some issues with loose bowel movements and upset stomach when I first started taking the two together, and still do from time to time. I also had some heightned anxiety initally, but my doc gave me some xanax to take as needed. The heightened anxiety kind of subsided after about 2 weeks. Since starting these two meds I have also done the following:
Changed my diet- I cut the majority of caffeine from my diet. I also am trying to eat more healthy dishes.
Increased Exercise- I now take a high energy cardio class a few times a week. I also take a Tai Chi meditation style class...which really mellows me out. I do some of the exercises at home, it really does help.
Purchased workbooks on Mindfulness- I take these books with me and they help me with anxiety reducing exercises.

Touch base anytime.....!!!!

10-31-2012, 04:04 AM
Good to know I'm not alone! How long did it last for you? Are you having any sleeping issues? And the morning anxiety is KILLING me...makes it so hard to face the day. Starting over sucks...

10-31-2012, 08:28 AM
I did have some trouble sleeping, I started to drink cammomile tea in the evening, and it puts me right to sleep, you should try it. I also had terrible morning anxiety as well, I started to do my Tai chi exercises in the morning and it has helped a lot. If you are able to, you should look into either a Tai Chi, or meditation course. Or they sell the dvds on Amazon for about 7 dollars. I've ordered two already, and they have been helpful.

10-31-2012, 08:31 AM
You know, one more thing, I too, am starting to deal with weight gain, I'm thinking it may be from the Zoloft....because if anything, I've always been underweight. You said you've been on and off Zoloft, during the times you've been off, did you drop the weight you had gained? I'm exercising like crazy and I'm still slowly gaining.

10-31-2012, 08:41 AM
I will definitely try the tea, I'll pick some up today actually. How long did the loose stools last for you?

Also, I gained 20lbs each time I was on the zoloft. I also was just eating whatever I wanted and not exersizing at all, I believe if you watch what you eat and work out, it is very hard to lose weight but it IS possible. Going off of zoloft, I drop the weight fairly quickly, and honestly don't have to try very hard either.

10-31-2012, 03:21 PM
Well, I will definitely keep trying...I just kind of feel like i am spinning my wheels.

Let me know how the tea works for you, it does wonders for me.

10-31-2012, 06:22 PM
The buspar also helped me lose some weight when I was on zoloft previously. I am going to be more careful with my eating habits this time around, now that I'm getting older, 25, the metabolism with eventually crap out. But for me, if rather be a few lbs heavier than I am normally, then feel trapped in my own head all the time! Thanks for your responses, helps a lot to have someone who understands what you're going through!

10-31-2012, 06:22 PM
And I got some camomile tea, I'll let you know if it helps!

10-31-2012, 06:59 PM
Well, I'm 36, so yeah, the metabolism is all messed up now....lol. I know what you mean though. Well, I just got in from taking the kiddos out for Halloween, so I'm about to make my cammomile tea now. I agree, it really does help when you can speak with someone who actually KNOWS what you're going through. That's why I really like this forum.