View Full Version : General Anxiety Disorder - well I think

Dave O'Brien
10-30-2012, 06:29 AM
Please help me, I need advice about what I'm going through. About 6 months I was fine, life was good - I had a new girlfriend a good job. I still have this girlfriend and job, but around the same time I developed a cut on my penis, mainly from eczema it seems but ever since then my anxiety levels have been through the roof. I have become obsessed with STI tests, even though I never have any real symptoms. Someday I come out in Hives or slight red rashes in random places and I itch too. I now have a bacterial infection (acne of folliculitis) on my back. My doc gave me anti-biotics for it and I think I have had a reaction to them. I have felt dizzy and a little confused over the last few days as well as having a slight raised redness in my face, I found myself crying unconsolably in the shower yesterday morning, please help.

10-30-2012, 07:01 AM
Not sure if it is GAD. Typically the docs say you must have persistent anxiety for a few months before they will officially give you the GAD diagnosis. Perhaps you are just stressed about THIS specific situation and the cut that you have? Or have you always been easily stressed?

Dave O'Brien
10-30-2012, 07:08 AM
Over the last couple of months, I've been anxious and stressed about every little health thing. Like a rash that I have momentarily or becoming anxious about canker sores or If I have a cold or flu thinking its something much worse than it is.

10-30-2012, 10:37 AM
Sounds like GAD......here's some honest advice......get help now that it seems to be in the beginning stages....because so many people, myself included, thought I could handle it on my own, and the worry and anxiety just expanded to almost every area of my life...
Perhaps you may want to look into CBT, talk therapy to help. They can give you some great exercises that really help to put things into perspective.

Dave O'Brien
10-30-2012, 11:35 AM
Sounds like GAD......here's some honest advice......get help now that it seems to be in the beginning stages....because so many people, myself included, thought I could handle it on my own, and the worry and anxiety just expanded to almost every area of my life...
Perhaps you may want to look into CBT, talk therapy to help. They can give you some great exercises that really help to put things into perspective.

I've been down all these roads before and never got much out of them, I tried one tablet of Xanax before for it but it was way too invasive :( and it gave me a headache the next day.

10-30-2012, 01:45 PM
I have xanax too, I usually only take only half of a .25 mg pill. If I take more than that, it is too overwhelming.