View Full Version : Giving up the fight..

10-30-2012, 04:05 AM
A lot of you that are reading this are probably thinking 'oh no another one giving up'
And yeah I am giving up the fight, with anxiety. Because there's no fight to be had.
This is the only way I can explain myself so sorry if it doesn't make sense.
Right there was a woman on here ages ago that really stuck in my mind, she was so worried and pulled down by anxiety that she signed herself into a psychriatric hospital.
Can you imagine that, being so worried about something that you sign yourself in? I've been right on the edge of doing that at some points. But...
Why did she sign herself in? Because she was terrified of her anxiety.. Why was she suffering with anxiety? Because of worry and stress. That causes anxiety. Why couldn't she rid herself of anxiety? Because when it showed itself, trying to protect her and find a release, she worried about it - thus creating a vicious circle.
Stress and worry of daily life - anxiety, panic - worry and stress about the anxiety- and back round.
Fighting the anxiety, constantly searching for that miracle cure only heightens your anxiety. Work it out, your worried about anxiety(the thing that's trying to help you) which causes more anxiety, creating the circle.
The only way out of tha circle is to let it happen. Leave anxiety to do what it needs to do. Don't worry about it.
As soon as you accept anxiety and learn to live with it, it will go away. By itself without that 'miracle cure'
I'm not cured. But I'm nearly there. I have good and bad days.
When I feel an attack or anxiety symptoms coming on I just think to myself 'its okay its just anxiety, pay it no heed and it will be gone soon'
Stop fighting. Give in. You've got a broken foot, would you keep prodding and poking it so it fixed or would you leave it to heal by itself? That's what you need to do with anxiety.
Accept anxiety into your life and it will leave.
Fight it and it will only get worse.
That's what I believe anyway.

10-30-2012, 05:04 AM
I completely agree. But it is easier said than done. Ive been in a state of constant anxiety/panic for almost 2 weeks, with a few moments of respite, and at points Ive wanted to be locked away. But I know this is the anxiety and want to get through it.

Thank you for the post it has helped reassure me.