View Full Version : I Survived My Flight!!!

10-29-2012, 08:14 AM
Well, I survived my flight to Trinidad and back. The flight down was good, it was quite calm...although I had to take xanax for the first leg of the trip....I was worried about the takeoff. I waw fine after that though.
The ride back home though was a completely different story though, thanks to Hurricane Sandy. The flight from Trinidad to Miami was fine for the most part, but the flight from Miami to Baltimore was a total horror show. I have NEVER experienced turbulence like that before. It literally felt like we were going to drop out of the sky.....its bad when even the flight attendants are concerned.....and the pilot made the announcement that no one should be getting up out of their seats for any reason, unless it was an extreme emergency. I took another dose of xanax, found my headphones, and found some easy listening meditation music.....my kids, on the other hand, loved it....they must of thought it waa some type of roller coaster, because that's what it felt like....they were laughing and playing. When we finally landed, I was so excited, I could of kissed the ground.....lol. The poor pilot was apologizing to everyone as they got off the plane for the ride although it was not his fault......
So, I guess the xanax did its trick, as I didn't pass out from sheer terror.....

10-29-2012, 08:35 AM
Good for you! Xanax can be very helpful sometimes!

10-29-2012, 11:04 AM
xanax are the best

10-29-2012, 11:23 AM
Well done! You've proven to yourself that you can cope with a flight even in the scariest of circumstances!

10-29-2012, 11:40 AM
Great job staying calm (:

10-29-2012, 12:25 PM
Buttercup, you are so right....I felt like I could deal with any flight after making it through that terrifying one. I actually felt a small sense of accomplishment......that I didn't totally freak out. I made it through! Now we just have to make it through this hurricane due to hit us in a few hours!

The xanax really, really helped me though....