View Full Version : I wanna help

10-29-2012, 05:33 AM
I have learned how to control my anxiety recently and I have never felt better. I wanna help anyone feel the same way! If you have any questions or just want to talk please feel free to message me anytime, it would give me great satisfaction to be able to help others control this disorder :)

10-29-2012, 05:38 AM
Hey, I could talk to someone.. Message me?

10-29-2012, 06:38 AM
Perhaps you could start by posting some general "control methods" on here?

All ears...


10-29-2012, 10:29 AM
My control methods are simple..

Ask yourself whatever it is your worrying About what are the chances of this happening? You have to control the anxiety not let it control you!
I told myself I was being ridiculous and over reacting which for me made me feel better instantly, it's mind control. You control your anxiety it's hard but you can!

10-29-2012, 10:51 AM
My control methods are simple..

Ask yourself whatever it is your worrying About what are the chances of this happening? You have to control the anxiety not let it control you!
I told myself I was being ridiculous and over reacting which for me made me feel better instantly, it's mind control. You control your anxiety it's hard but you can!

I WISH I could do this!

When I am spiralling downward its due to one of two things. I am either having a "heart attack" or I have "Cancer" because of my Acid Reflux. While I have not been tested yet to determine the cause of my Acid Reflux, I have undergone several tests on my heart that have all come back normal. When I feel calm I do not think much about my heart anymore, but put a string of palpitations in the mix, some chest pains, or racing and I am instantly in panic mode! I sit there a reassure myself that I am okay, that I have been through this before and survived, that the tests were normal, that I am being silly... Doesn't matter. I continue to panic and believe that the doctors were wrong, or that this time its real. :(

Congratulations on your success! Maybe someday I'll be lucky too! :)

10-29-2012, 12:11 PM
It's all about you not letting it control you! It's not going to happen overnight but if you try and try hard you can do it :)