View Full Version : Anyone deal with this?

10-29-2012, 02:04 AM
Before i started ativan(.5mg 1-2 a day) I would turn over for sleep at night, but as soon as I closed my eyes it felt like my brain was spinning and my head floating upwards and it would keep me up until I decided to ignore it and sleep through. I started taking the ativan before bed and was able to fall asleep fine.

I had a long day and night yesterday and decided to sleep today(went close to 20 hours with no sleep), without taking an ativan, I felt the spinning and floating but pushed through it and fell asleep, however I woke up a few hours later dizzy and feeling like I would pass out..I got up and took an ativan and was able to fall back to sleep and woke up feeling ok( have a headache now though)

My mind has been a little nutty since I woke up feeling faint, thinking..is this something else? Why did I feel like this?. But my rational mind says, if the ativan helped you to fall asleep fine and wake up fine, why are you worried, its obviously an anxiety thing. Would you guys agree?

I'm not really freaking over it, but its really been playing on my mind.

10-29-2012, 02:07 AM
Yes it's definitely anxiety. It totally messes with your mind and sleep.