View Full Version : Not panic attacks

10-29-2012, 01:47 AM
So I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I have all the classic symptoms. But I don't really get panic attacks. I mean yes I have had them before, but really I usually just have meltdowns. I get extremely frustrated. I cry and get really angry. Now please don't tell me that it's not gad, because it is. I'm on lexapro and its made things easier but I still get meltdowns. Anyone with similar experiences?

10-29-2012, 02:21 AM
Same here, without the crying. I haven't had a panic attack in months..but I'll sometimes get stressed and frustrated, which only makes things worse. After it passes I feel even more dizzy, neck starts to feel tense etc..

I would call it an anxiety attack, basically a panic attack without the panic and intense symptoms.

10-29-2012, 02:24 AM
Yes exactly. For me it usually starts with just an intense frustration and I lose it. I get really angry and want to scream. But no heart attack feeling, no dying feeling, just feeling irrational and then I get hot flashes.