View Full Version : Can anyone help me?

04-13-2007, 12:23 PM
Hello. I am a fit 22 year old lad who I think has just started to develop anxiety.
During an intense period of work within my job I suddenly had what can only be described as a 'release' of chemicals in my heart/chest area, which made me very dizzy and sick.
It is now nearly 3 months on and I seem to get this quite frequently. They feel like heart palpitations.
When I am in situations I feel I am not in control of it is worse. For example, paying money into the bank and having to queue up, my heart starts pounding, my chest becomes very tight and I almost cannot bring myself to do it.
Working with people I do not know very well also sets it off and leaves me feeling very dizzy and sick like I am going to faint.
I have constant pain across my back, neck and shoulders and have twitches and muscle spasms all over my body.
I have in the last 6 months used ecstasy on several big clubbing nights out which is out of the ordinary but it has not been excessive and I wonder if this might be going someway to causing it?
I am nervous about doing small things now, to the extent where I have stopped looking forward to nights out, going to the pictures etc.. It is a mental effort for me to do these things but I normally settle when I do. I find I feel very trapped and claustrophobic sometimes for no apparent reason.
This is all very new to me as I have always been very confident and very little has ever worried me. I am currently very ill in bed with sickness that I am sure has been brought on by how run down I feel.
I am aware that working for 6 weeks, 12 hours a day and going out at night will not have helped, but could this have put my body under the level of stress causing this to this extent??
I need some advice because I have no idea how to sort myself out and get on the road to recovery!

Many thanks

04-13-2007, 03:32 PM
hi bud. Sounds like anxiety symptoms, i wouldnt worry about the pills although i'd lay off until you feel better, sounds like you've been pushing yourself hard, fatigue can build up over a long period and sort of come out all at once in weird ways, what you ill in bed with?

V for Victor
04-13-2007, 03:46 PM
If you're really stressed at work, that can have effects, but there could be other factors here.

The first rule is to try to avoid using drugs like ecstasy. When you put a drug into your body (legal or illegal) it's going to interact with other chemicals and hormones, and that can produce positive or negative effects. You don't want to be taking anything that's going to make your problems worse.

You mentioned becoming anxious when working with strangers, or going out to do things. Is it possible you may have Social Anxiety Disorder?

04-13-2007, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am currently ill with sickness. I can't keep food down unfortunately.
I just don't want this to escalate because I have never had a problem in the past, I am usually very confident and comfortable in all situations. This is literally a new thing. I'm hoping that all the work has caused it and hopefully it will fade