View Full Version : Cheer Up!

10-28-2012, 01:17 AM
I've woke up in a very good mood this morning so I've come to give you lot a pep talk..
What the hell?
How old are you all? I know we range from like 15 to over 50s but look at us?
Constantly worrying about the little things, 'I've got a pain I must be dying', 'I feel a bit detatched I'm going mad', 'other people don't have panic I must be weird' ... Notice the reacurring word there? Its 'I' as in 'me,me,me,me'
How selfish are we worrying about ourselves all day, checking ourselves, letting our worlds revolve around ourselves. No wonder we don't feel attatched to the outside world we're all too busy worrying about OURSELVES!
Most of us have got friends, families, partners, kiddies, stop worry about yourself and get back into the real world with the people that care about u!
Your not gunna find the cure here, all your gunna find is company while you got through these feelings. You know those feeling that have dragged you don't to the point you don't want to even go outside? That is anxiety. That is what YOU are letting it do to you. Get hold of it show it your not frightened anymore. While your sat about terrified of your syymptoms anxietys sat laughing at you do u know why? Because its winning!
Everytime you don't do something because your scared. Anxiety wins.
You wanna go shop but your scared of having a panic attack? SO WHAT! Panic attack can't kill you. Racing heart? Can't kill you. Not getting to the shop to get what you need could do lol
I'm going to make today the day I turn round and say 'come get me. What's the worst you can do' I'm going to do what I used to do before the anxiety monster came for me. The only way is up. I'd rather live my life doing what I want and taking these feelings with then not live at all and still have these feelings.
Have a good day people I know I will.

10-28-2012, 05:38 AM
I am 28 and dont intend on letting the anxiety monster (i like that wording) beat me.

My sister is having a baby today and i am focusing on the fact that i am here in the now and i am going to appreciate the moment the best that i can.

Im sure everyone on here can think of one thing that makes them smile. Think of it now and smile because youre alive to appreciate that moment.

Seriously wishing the best for everyone, you are not alone!

10-28-2012, 05:49 AM
Loving your post Camilla! I also think that anxiety is a selfish condition and over the years I have started to stick two fingers up at it and tell it to F$*K off!

10-30-2012, 03:01 PM
Love this post!!!!!!

10-30-2012, 07:05 PM
Awesome attitude!!!!!! :)