View Full Version : Extreme anxiety.

Cries In Vein
10-27-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm at my wits ends.... I can't calm down. I've cut out coffee, all caffeine products i've tried counting, breathing, chamomile tea, my doctor has up'ed my alprazolam to three tablets a day. It's not working I seem to be getting worse and worse. I've managed to calm my self by cutting or by using meditate ions that have a calming affect.

10-27-2012, 08:12 PM
Oh boy x.x
Is that the only things that you've tried? anything else like, passion flower extract, and I've heard of a few other things. Somebody mentioned Horlicks a wee bit ago...

10-27-2012, 11:19 PM
I feel so sorry for you. I am also going through a rough patch with anxiety and panic. I was diagnosed at 15 with a panic disorder. I am now 40 and its been as bad as it was when I was 15. Please try not to cut yourself it only makes things more complicated. I wear a rubber band around my wrist so when I do panic I could snap it as hard as I want to try and get myself out of it. It is much better. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to. Keep thinking happy thoughts and know that you are in control.

Cries In Vein
10-27-2012, 11:19 PM
here which is Bach flower. What do you mean "is that all you've tried". That's why I'm here no one will give me any new answers. This is not my first attack and I know it won't be my last but it's the first time it is 100% constant.

10-28-2012, 12:03 AM
I meant have you done anything else besides what you stated. Was just wondering is all.
Sorry to hear it's 100% though, that's terrible. I wish I could suggest more. Chamomile helps me usually, im surprised to hear it doesn't for you - Did it ever work before or did it never work at all?. and drinking cold glasses of water.. sometimes putting a warm wet towel on the back of my neck. Talking to a friend, or inviting them over. Hugging a fat warm cat. Cups of cocoa huddled in 3 layers of blankets watching movies......

If I really need to distract myself from fear, I play video games that require constant attention. Strategy games work best I found. Something that makes you focus on the game and what's happening in it rather than what your mind was preoccupied with fearing.

10-28-2012, 12:47 AM
Sorry you're going through that. I honestly don't know what else to tell you that hasn't been covered here. My way of dealing with stress and anxiety is to lock the door in my room, turn off the light, get in bed, and listen to music until I feel better.

10-28-2012, 05:58 AM
Loud metal eh? Also works for me sometimes!

I agree with who said something you have to focus on what youre doing i.e. Playing games.
You could try meditation, exercising, yoga? I know just going for a run can help. This all depends on your situation with going outside of course, dont mean to assume but you can still exercise at home.