View Full Version : Loneliness

10-27-2012, 05:04 PM
Hi. I am 37 and single. I have a lot of friends but all of them are married or attached. There are a lot of days that I opt to just stay home than go out with some of them as I always feel like the 3rd or 5th wheel or any odd numbered wheel. In other words, I get lonely a lot. Anyone having this too?

10-28-2012, 01:11 AM
I do! Both my best friends have boyfriends.

10-31-2012, 08:36 AM
I do too. A lot of my friends have moved away and I don't think I always relate well to others.....definitely since my anxiety issues started.

10-31-2012, 10:36 AM
Absolutely. I'm 40 and have been single for over 7 years and battling depression and anxiety for the last two which was a long time coming.

On really bad days I feel completely pointless and like a spare part. My closest girlfriend has had 5 or 6 relationships in the last 2 years and dates continuously. Hard to be around a lot of the time.

10-31-2012, 10:41 AM
I am very lonely too. The pain of depression is a pain like I've never felt . I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy .


10-31-2012, 11:35 AM
I was like this a few years back when i was really depressed. Didnt have many friends, hardly went out. But it got to the point where i just thought the chances of meeting new people because of how i am are very slim when i go out. But they are non existant if i stay in all the time. I ended up bumping into an old school friend and before i knew it i was out quite often with a group of lovely people who i am still glad to call my friends. A few of them didnt think i liked them to start with because of how i act around new people. but once i came out of my shell a bit it was fine and i got a lot of confidence from it. I really should thank my friend more often as she kinda dug me out of a hole!

Just wanted to give a bit of hope as there are ways out of this. It just takes time sometimes.

Do you have any online friends? They used to help me a lot.

11-02-2012, 09:31 AM
I usually don't feel lonely despite not having many friends because when I go out to eat at local diners, go to work, or do volunteer work, I socialize with many people there. And even though it's mostly small talk with people who are just aquaintances, it makes me feel much less lonely, especially since I'm a good conversationalist and feel comfortable chatting with others.