View Full Version : anxiety and asthma

10-27-2012, 05:44 AM
hi, ive had asthma for a few yrs now before i started having problems with anxiety for about a yr now ive felt like i cant breath properly the doc says my asthma is fine i never wheeze or anything my throat just feels restricted sometimes and u know when u breathe out and keep going u throat makes that funny noise i feel like that sometimes. does anyone else anxiety play there asthma up?

10-28-2012, 03:12 AM
I grew up with it, and thought that it was back in full force when I started having symptoms(same throat sensations)Do you use an inhaler? Corticosteroids etc? I fine that most of the time, neither helps with the shortness of breath feeling..because its not being caused by anything physical. Like when we have anxiety headaches, and painkillers don't work,

10-28-2012, 05:43 AM
Hi James,

I have been having constant anxiety and panic attacks for over the past week, it hasnt really let up and its been really intense. However I also have atshma and have had since I was a child, after the past week of going through this, it has become apparent to me that some and maybe most of my asthma, or what I thought was asthma is actually a symptom of the anxiety and panic attacks. This was highlighted by the fact that I ended up going to hospital for what I thought was an asthma attack, ater getting checked, my oxygen was at 100% and when the doctor said that, I immediatly started to feel better. Until this week I didnt know what sort of symptoms could come from Anxiety and Panic attacks, and I now know this is one of them. It is hard to distinguish between asthma and what the anxiety could be doing.

However the advice I have been given is to try and take your mind of it. I have started to read books and I have found my breathing is much better when Im not thinking about it. TV and games also help alot.

This is my experience of it and I hope it helps.