View Full Version : Short of breath

10-27-2012, 03:46 AM
Has anyone ever experienced shortness of breath with their anxiety, having to sigh and take a deep breath every so often to get their breath back? I've been feeling it all week now I'm so scared! I've been fine during the night not waking up feeling out of breath or anything, but once I wake up and think about my day bammmm it all starts :( I'm I scared I'm constantly out of breath!

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 04:11 AM

I have only just been able to accept that's lot of my symptoms have been due to anxiety, I also had a couple of panic attacks after the doctor tried to put me on medication for something I didn't have!

The breathing sounds like the start of an anxiety or panic attack and I really do sympathise because they are not fun at all.

The biggest lesson I have learnt that will hopefully help you as well is that you shouldn't be scared of your anxiety, we develop anxiety because we worry too much, think too much and don't listen to what our body is trying to tell us. The physical symptoms of anxiety is our body's way of telling us to stop and a way of getting our attention and making us listen to issues in our lives that need to be dealt with and not just put to the back of your mind.

For me these were having the wrong job, worrying excessively about my health, lack of self confidence and not being be to physically relax and give my body the rest it needs.

The reason you wake up fine and then all of a sudden your anxiety kicks in when you start to think of the day ahead is really clear proof that you need to learn to relax. Your body is so relaxed while you sleep which is why as soon as you wake up you feel ok, then as soon as you start to think and worry the anxiety kicks in.

You need to learn how to relax and be able to listen to what your body is not happy with, it is difficult,but you have to accept your anxiety and its physical symptoms, not be scared of them but try to listen and as crazy as it sounds try to relax and enjoy any symptoms as it is YOUR body trying to tell you that it can't cope and that changes need to be made...

I hope this helps, if you want to know what has helped me relax and start listening just let me know :)

10-27-2012, 04:35 AM
Thanks very much for that information it has learnt me a lot of things that was very kind of you :) thank you so much just never experienced this before :( it's so scary!

10-27-2012, 04:51 AM
This is exactly what i am trying to deal with at the moment. Cant remember the last time i was able just to sit down and relax properly.
Theres always something to think about or feelings to try and deal with.

One of the worst things is knowing that most of the things dont matter but still having the anxiety. Feel like its never going to get better and sometimes its hard to believe it will.

10-27-2012, 04:51 AM
When you hVe your short of breath, do you get short of breath more when your on your feet ?

10-27-2012, 04:54 AM
Didnt mean to sound all negative there. I do try my best to look at the positives and appreciate what i do have. But its really hard to keep it up!

10-27-2012, 04:58 AM
I know what you mean Laura I'm going through it myself it's a awful thing to be going through! Best of luck :( x

10-27-2012, 05:21 AM
I get the breathing problems when im lying in bed or just sitting on the sofa. In other words when i have time to focus on it! So annoying.

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 05:31 AM
I still get bad days, and I do get bouts of anxiety for an hour or so.

I never believed in remedies other than medicine, but after starting a weekly yoga class, have a massage once and week, going to cognitive behavioural therapy with hypnotherapy included, I also get reflexology. A balance of all these things help me to relax and get on top of my anxiety, but it is expensive, although I don't mind as it is making better - finally.

Exercise really helps, surfing is the best for me as it completely clears your mind as you are focussing only on the sea and the waves. Exercise is brilliant but you have to just do it, don't think about it, just get up and go.

There is a good website called living life to the full which you can search on google, it is completely based on behavioural therapy to eliminate anxiety. It really works for me. It may seem like a waste of time at first but if you follow the tutorials it teaches you how to be more positive and how changing a single day to day action can break the anxiety circle.


10-27-2012, 06:04 AM
Thanks kelly i will have a look at that.

I definitely believe exercise can help but i have social anxiety and it sometimes stops me from doing certain things for fear of looking stupid and being judged. I wish i had the courage to start classes on my own etc.

I get urges to go out and do things all the time but mostly dont carry them out. But i can go out when things are planned in advance (though still have the anxiety when out). Strange! I never realised what was wrong with me for ages. I try not to be too negative because i think at least i do leave the house etc.

10-27-2012, 06:09 AM
My friend and i are going to start running soon. Shes been ill so just waiting for her to get better. I know once ive been with someone else a few times i will probably have more confidence to get up and go alone as i can get routes planned out etc. and stick to them. Its just taking that first step argggh.

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 06:23 AM
Hi Laura

I went through the same phase with social anxiety, you have to just do it with out thinking... Make your body physically get out and take it one step at a time - this is what I had to do. I started off doing one 5 minute walk every day, I then built it up to 10 minutes, then 15, then felt ok with going swimming on my own. At first I instantly felt dizzy when i stepped out the front door. I have a list of things I have done and when I was fine, I write things as basic as 1. I went swimming and I enjoyed it 2. I went on a family trip and was fine and had fun 3. I went for a walk and I was fine etc etc.
You may feel uneasy going and doing things during the day, but as you build up a list of things that you can do it will give you confidence to do more.

The best thing to remember is that you have to be patient, anxiety takes a lot of patience and a lot of physical action.

10-28-2012, 05:30 AM
Thank you kelly theyre all very helpful. I think i definitely need to try harder with making myself go out. Like you say small steps can go a long way. Thank you again.