View Full Version : New to the forum and seeking advice :)

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 02:45 AM

I have had a very very tough 8 months, in short I have lost two jobs, had an operation for a condition called endometriosis, I have had random dizzy / faint spells, very severe IBS, 2 panic attacks and at one point I couldn't eat due to abdominal pain and I lost 1 1/2 stone - this was scary as I am only 9st normally.
After being off work for 4 months I have had a lot of stress regarding money, I only graduated last year and moved in with my boyfriend in April.
All of the above has caused me to have anxiety for the first time in my life, I am always very logical, understanding and very much a 'do-er'.
This experience has really set me back and it is only recently that I feel I have started to get in control of it.
I have accepted a part-time bar job in order to get some money coming in as my poor boyfriend has had to pay for everything for such a long time now. I am nervous about this job, for some reason being inside in warm places triggers my anxiety. I am not worried about starting the new job, I am worried about being in a cosy pub!
I discovered that my passion for Watersports and being outside is what has helped me this far through my bout of anxiety which is why I think I worry at the fact that my job is inside (being outside almost instantly gets rid of my anxiety, and being in the sea makes me 100% happy straight away).
I don't know what to do to make mysel feel better about my new job, I never actually faint and know I will be fine but I a am so worried of getting that dizzy, feeling faint feeling I get from my anxiety...

Any ideas?

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 02:56 AM
Sorry I haven't really introduced myself!

My name is Kelly, I am 23 years old, I have a loving and caring boyfriend (it is almost our 2 year anniversary), I graduated last year with a 2:1 BSc Hons in Surf Science and Technology.
I love Watersports of all kinds but more specifically kite surfing and surfing, however I am not looking forward to the winter as it is already freezing in the water.
I was told I had anxiety at the beginning of September as a result of having a condition called endometriosis and that triggering my IBS (which was diagnosed Wednesday just gone) and also I have been stressed as I got made redundant from a job I really enjoyed and all mounted together I have had a lot on my plate, but I am slowly getting through it now :) I cannot wait to be 100% again, I feel I have really missed the summer this year.
After searching and searching for jobs after being made redundant I accepted a trainee recruitment consultant role, on my second day I collapsed in pain after going to the loo and got signed off work again, I had to hand in my notice as the doctors have recommended me only going back to work part-time.
Read my thread above to see the situation I am in now... I feel so close to being over this but I know that one bad day puts me right back down.

I am really interested in helping other people out as much as I can on this forum. It has taken me months and months to accept my anxiety and it caused a lot of physical symptoms that made me worry, this turned in to a viscous circle. If you have any questions regarding physical symptoms or anything else I might be able to help with just let me know :)

10-27-2012, 04:15 AM
I get the dizzy and feeling faint all the time too. It's driving me mad and I hate it so much

10-27-2012, 07:32 AM
Yep, another medical condition can cause anxiety or cause the stress in life in general(in addition) to result in anxiety. You might have never gotten anxiety without the medical diagnoses or you might have after another stressful event but who knows. Anxiety happens.
You may be having a microbout of agoraphobia. Although many think it's fear or open spaces really it's fear of any situation where escape escape would be difficult or impossible. But it sound quite limited or minor for you so maybe you can manage in time to put it behind you. Recognizing the viscous cycle in key. PM me any time. Alankay

Kelly C
10-28-2012, 05:38 AM
I think the physical illness and stress of being off work triggered the anxiety, as I am usually very in control and head strong. It seems like the last 6 months have been out of my control and have therefore made me worry and get anxiety.

Usually I am not a very shy, nervous person and starting new jobs I find exciting. However I think because I had a lot of physical symptoms at work and lost 2 jobs in the last 6 months my confidence is really low. I have taken doctors advice who have told me to go back to work part-time to start off, so I have got myself a pub job in a small local pub for 16 hours a week - I start on Thursday.

I am so worried about feeling faint and having physical symptoms that I am really worried about starting the job, but I can't seem to get rid of these feelings no matter how positive I think. It's like the thoughts are implanted in to my head because of my experiences from my last two jobs.

I really don't want to mess this up because I really want to get my life back on track, start earning money and build up my social life gain ( I even feel uneasy seeing friends in the evening and I know it's silly because they are my friends, but I don't not go I just try to deal with it while I'm there and after 30minutes I feel much better - although still shy, quiet and a bit nervous).

I feel I am doing all the right things and facing the situations that make me feel uneasy, but the thought of starting work on Thursday afternoon makes me worried, as soon as I think of being inside the pub I feel worried that my feeling faint is going to take over... How can I prepare myself? I am going to start the job, I am not going to run away, I will face up to it...

Thanks for your help

10-28-2012, 01:21 PM
What physical symptoms do you get with yours??

10-28-2012, 01:22 PM
What symptoms do you get with yours??

Kelly C
10-28-2012, 02:12 PM
I have IBS which triggers my anxiety, so abdominal cramps, fatigue. The anxiety seems to make me need the toilet -not sure if maybe the two are linked in some way.

Symptoms that bother me the most are feeling faint, hot and dizzy, sometimes I also shiver in my legs. Other symptoms I get is depersonalisation and feelings of loneliness and being trapped - this developed over the past 3 months as I had an operation and couldn't walk around for a week!

I managed to calm myself down when I had a little attack tonight, I suddenly felt dizzy / light headed, then hot so sat outside for fresh air, then had to go to the loo, then was a bit shaky so listened to a hypnosis app on my iPad which really calmed me down, then I had a cuddle with my very understanding boyfriend.

I don't know what my anxiety is trying to tell me so I cant deal with it very well, the faintness and dizziness makes me worry about starting my new job, as I can't just go outside, calm down and listen to my hypnosis app...

10-28-2012, 04:16 PM
I get the daily dizziness and faintness too. Mine started after I had a miscarriage. Sometimes at work I feel so dizzy and off balance that I think I can't even get up and walk!!!

I hate it so much and it's hard for people to understand!!! If I keep myself busy its not so bad but sitting at a desk all day doesn't help :(

I'm off to Vanuatu this week with my husband and daughter, hopefully some r and r will be the best medicine!!!!! I hope and pray!!!!

10-28-2012, 06:46 PM
I am at work right now feeling faint at my desk!!! Arrggghhhh go away NOW!!!!!!

Kelly C
10-29-2012, 07:28 AM
I am having a bad day too, I am currently not working but supposed to start work on Thursday. I had an anxiety attack last night and I feel so on edge today, I don't know how to figure out why I have the anxiety at the moment and how to deal with it?

I'm sorry your not feeling well at work, being at a desk is my worst nightmare at the moment, too much time to myself makes me feel awful