View Full Version : social disorder?

10-26-2012, 07:18 PM
Well mainly my symptoms are..

I always think i am being judged or everything i say and do is being watched.
I sometimes find it hard to listen to people or take in what they are saying because im thinking more about what im going to say in response.
I am scared to do new things alone in case i look stupid.
I have next to nothing to say to new people and tend to avoid speaking to them so they dont think im weird.
I dont like speaking aloud or situations where everyone is looking at me.
I have a phone phobia.

I am guessing these all point to the social anxiety disorder. I have had this for as long as i can remember along with periods of depression. I also get chest pains from anxiety and breathing trouble which i bring on myself.

Generally i feel like i should be happy with the life i have, but im not. As though its somehow passing me by. I dont think its all necessarily to do with the above either as i do try and deal with things best i can and i know it could be worse.

I never really speak to anyone about this so just really asking if anyone can relate? Even though im probably making no sense!


10-27-2012, 07:10 AM
Laura, sure. I bet a big chunk here have some social anxiety. Mine has gotten much better with experience(age) and treatment. If it's really effecting the quality of your life, see a GP or counselor for help. I did. The chest pains/breathing trouble sound like regular old anxiety to me. PM me anytime. Alankay

10-27-2012, 02:55 PM
Hey Laura, you sound just like me. Everything you have said is just like my life. Ive had it for a long time, as long as i can remember, its to controls my life.
Ive been diagnosed as having Social Anxiety Disorder and a long with that i also have Depression by my GP.
I just wanted to message you to let you know that i understand you completly and your not alone.

10-28-2012, 05:21 AM
Thank you for your replies. I definitely deal with it better now than i used to, i guess because i understand it better.

Does it stop any of you from leaving the house? Ive never fully had that problem but its an effort sometimes.

Katy sorry to hear you also have depression. I have suffered with it for long periods in the past but i came off meds 3 years ago and now its mainly just the anxiety i have to deal with. Or at least i think so.. It can get confusing.