View Full Version : Xanax, Buspar, or?

04-12-2007, 05:11 PM
Hello all, new here. There is no doubt I suffer from varying levels of anxiety, sometimes causing severe insomnia. I went to a shrink who prescribed Remeron. It did knock me out for awhile, but it quit working , and caused major weight gain.

I lay in bed at night and cannot turn my mind off, going over the events of the day or events 30 yrs ago. Almost always I'm re-living something negative. The shrink told me I was 'obsessing', and basically said "quit that", LOL. Yeah, right.

My family Dr will give me 30, 1mg Xanax per month. Nothing else seems to work. I've tried all the re-uptake inhibitors, etc., and found that antidpressants make me depressed!

The Xanax works. It calms me, allows me to unclench my butt cheeks, so to speak. But we all know it's addictive. If I take it for several days in a row, i can tell I'm starting to get addicted, as for one, they don't work as effectively.

My Dr asked yesterday if I had tried Buspar. I had, several years ago, for sleep. Like the others, seemed to work for awhile, but then, zilch.

The difference is, now I know that my insomnia is caused by anxiety. I've had a few anxiety attacks, but it's more generalized than accute.

In the past, several Dr.s tried to treat me for depression. I've come to understand that depression is a side-effect of anxiety. I get depressed over the way the anxiety affects my life.

I have no idea what the dosage of the Buspar I took was. My Dr. said he's had some good luck w/it, and I'm considering revisting it.

Can anyone out there recommend it; has it helped you? Is there anything new out there aimed at anxiety, not depression, which is less addictive than Xanax?

I read thru many posts here before joining, and I feel for everyone here. Sometimes it's just good to talk with someone who understands/has been there. Thank you in advance for any advice you might offer, and I wish you all the best of luck...


04-22-2007, 01:32 AM
My doc put me on Klonopin's for awhile and they worked, it just took a little longer than Xanax to actually kick in.

I would try that and see how that works for your body. I'm currently on Xanax and addicted, and it's not fun.

But, if it calms me down I take it.

Buspar is crap, don't let them put you on that. It dosen't help anything, in my opinion.

04-29-2007, 08:31 PM
My doc just put me on Klonopin and it has immediately helped. I was on Xanax off and on for years, but never really felt normal.
The problem with Xanax is, you have to take it when you feel an attack or situation that could cause an attack. With Klonopin, I take it three times a day and keep any of the anxiety from having a chance. I don't feel like a raw nerve anymore, so the harshness that I saw out in the world is looking a little softer now.