View Full Version : The Vengeance of Anxiety

10-26-2012, 02:11 PM
So my anxiety has been much better lately but today out of the blue it came back with a vengeance. Anxiety sucks no matter what but I have noticed that when I have it on a daily basis I get somewhat accustomed to it. When it goes away for a little bit and comes back it feels such much worse. Maybe because I am not used to the feeling but it feels so much worse then I remember. I haven't exactly figured out why my old enemy Mr. Anxiety is back but I am hoping it will soon pass.

Has anyone else experienced this? After being anxiety free for some time do you feel it come back stronger than ever? Either way it SUCKS and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

10-26-2012, 02:25 PM
Oh yup. Definitely.
Was anxiety free for a few months. Then bang, a big trigger occurred and set me off. then got back in the cycle. Just about out of it again... I'm hoping this time it stays away for good.

Happy but Sad
10-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Mine went away when the dr told me I had it, weird but being told I had it made me realise its in my head and to try stop worrying, then my partner goes over seas for a month and a week in and it's back worse than ever, bad thoughts, can't sleep. I just think when he returns it will be gone again, anything can trigger it. It's learning how to cope is the difficult part for me

10-26-2012, 11:19 PM
My anxiety does the same thing. I'll suffer with it for a while then it'll go away. Then it'll come back again. I've been having a heard time with it for a year now, it's about time it went away for while!