View Full Version : I need help!

10-26-2012, 11:10 AM
I am so confused. I found this site in a desperate Hail-Mary Google Search. I have been suffering from depression, social anxiety, general anxiety, and panic attacks literally as long as I can remember. I grew up in a bad way, with drug addicted/alcoholic/abusive parents. This lead to abusive relationships. Two months after my first husband left me and my two kids, I met the man who would become my second husband. We had a very rough relationship. He is a very very jealous/insecure man. He also struggles with depression, alcoholism, and an addiction to pain pills (he has a disabling knee injury). He left me almost exactly 1 year ago.
After he left I was ELATED. I was on top of the world. Just me and my kids, I had a great job, a great apartment, I was in school...I literally was on cloud 9. Independent and LOVING IT. Then my position at work became seasonal, and I had no money. I was forced to go on state assistance after 6 months when I couldn't find another job. Then my car broke down, the guy I was seeing ended things, and I couldn't afford my kid's private preschool tuition. Everything sort of crumbled down around me. When my ex came back into my life - I clung to him. I was in a deep depression and needed SOMEONE. We married in July.

Fast forward to present day...

I was forced to go to the doctor after 10 years of choosing to go without a PCP. Straight away I was put on Zoloft, Xanax, and pain pills. Now I am back to being ME. I am lucid, I have energy, I can play with my kids and ENJOY LIFE. The only problem is: Now I can see that the only reason I married my husband was because of the deep depression I was in. Although I love him, and care about him, I am not in love with him. The thought of sex with him disgusts me.

So WTF do I do now?! I don't want to discuss this with him because he has suicidal tendencies and has said he would kill himself without me. But I am so unhappy that im married to him I have considered getting into therapy and seeing what a therapist thinks, but that will take time. Anyone with any thoughts???? I am so desperate and confused.

Getting better shouldn't make my life worse....

10-26-2012, 11:37 AM
This happened to me, I went back to my now ex-husband even though he was abusive and cheated on me, just because I was in a deep depression. But once I started feeling a bit better, I couldn't take it no more. I finally got divorced. And no, it wasn't easy. Now I'm trying to find a way to be on my own, and discovering myself. I'm really scared, and some days are really hard, but others are better and I try to enjoy those days. No one is responsible for other actions, that's just manipulation, you need to do was better for you and your kids. Keep strong, and take advantage of the fact that you are feeling better. Wish you the best...

10-27-2012, 12:04 PM
Thank you so much Ylianova. How did you make the decision to leave once you were better again? I am struggling because I take marriage SO seriously. It is supposed to be forever. Should I just suck it up and make things work???

10-27-2012, 12:24 PM
Hiya sorry to hear about your situation i cant really compare but i would say that if you find the thought of sex with him disgusts you thats hard to come back from! Ultimately its your decision and its a big one but you only get one life.

Good luck
