View Full Version : sick of selfish people...

10-26-2012, 05:02 AM
OK so.. I am sick of people who are selfish, u may all say "don't let them get to you" but seriously they do, the reason is.. because I can't understand their point of view. It's like eating ice cream with Mayo, why is society changing into careless money warriors, the world is not designed to be a war for an individual.

10-26-2012, 06:52 AM
Things are how they are I'm affraid and as much as you bitch, whine, winge & cry about it... it won't change.

For the most part, the latest generation are a greedy, money-orientated, self-image loving bunch of robots who are striving for a perfection which they have somehow been programmed to believe is necessary to get on in life.
Ironically, I think this perfection goal, or moreover - never being able to achieve it is what is partly or wholly to blame for mental illnesses, such as anxiety disorder.

I reckon it'll get worse... and worse... and worse... and worse... until something eventually gives.
Something will eventually HAVE to give, and it will be at this point where maybe we'll turn it all around and go back to basics.

Who knows...

Kelly C
10-27-2012, 03:41 AM
Me being one of those generation... I completely agree. But it is not always our fault we seem greedy or whatever else.

I have been strictly brought to up to aim for the highest and do what I can to get qualified and earn good money, after years and years of being pushed in this direction I thought, I really don't want this.
I stopped studying law and started studying marine sports science as this is what I love, my parents hated it however I had made the decision that fun and happiness was more important than having lots of money and being unhappy.
I graduated last year with. 2:1 BSc Hons and have no hope of finding a stable but enjoyable job, however when I got offered a recruitment consultancy job my family were overjoyed and told me not to mess it up, it's stable money etc etc.
I have been suffering from anxiety, endometriosis and digestive problems and tried to start this job 3 weeks post operation for my endometriosis and collapsed at work on my second day in a lot of pain. I was then signed off work for longer (in total it has been 5 months now), consequently I have now lost me job there.

Now that my anxiety is getting better (and health following behind) and I am picking myself up, I realised the job really isn't for me, and that's not me being greedy or spoilt its me wanting to do what makes me smile.

There is a hell of a lot of pressure on all people with regards to money and jobs at the moment especially if you have just graduated and have nothing to show for you £35k debt, no wonder more young people are getting anxiety and suffering from stress!

The important message is to be realistic about what you can afford and don't compromise your happiness, as that is what makes the world an enjoyable place despite all the current money and job issues.