View Full Version : Help me please. Severe anxiety / sleep depravation

10-25-2012, 09:29 PM

I have developed insomnia associated with severe anxiety over the past few weeks. I has recently gotten very severe. I have hyperarousal which prevents me from getting any sleep. With sleeping tablets I get max 4 hours, but I can't take them anymore because of addiction / dependency concerns. I am very veyr scared. My heart is going too fast, and I feel as though I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown. The GP just gave me sleeping tablets and anti-depression pills (Escitalopram). I have never taken medication before and don't know what is happening to me. I would like to take the Escitalopram, but apparently it takes 2 weeks to be effective, and also makes anxiety even worse during those 2 weeks. I don't feel as though I will last 2 weeks. I can't do CBT - apparently I'd be unresponsive in my current state due to exhaustion. But I can't sleep. Last night I got 0 hours sleep. Please help me. What should I do?

10-25-2012, 10:27 PM
First, Dan, I just want to say I am sorry you are going trough this and please know that there is a lot of good support here in the forum. I sometimes suffer from insomnia, but I have never sought help for it, so I'm not sure that I am much help. But, at least know you're not alone.

I would talk to your Dr. again and tell him what you're feeling and going through.

This exercise might help...

Get your calendar out and mark off the next two weeks. Each morning draw one line through the date, then each evening mark another line on that date to make a completed "X". Start a journal for those two weeks. Each morning while you are drawing that line, think about the best part of the night before that made you feel relaxed or tired. Then, think about one positive thing you want to accomplish that day. Then, at the end of the day mark your calendar and review your day's positive achievements and write those in your journal. Then think about all the things the nights before that gave you the most relief and add those to your routine. BUT, no abussive or negative activities.

At the end of the two weeks you can decide if this helps and incorporate it into your regular routine. What's nice is to reflect on those good things, accomplishments, and successes over the issues you are dealing with.

Remember, you are not alone and there will be relief.

My best to you.

10-26-2012, 01:37 AM
Hey there. I am taking escitalopram as well and I didn't experience worse anxiety during those 2 weeks. So maybe you won't. It works wonders for me. Makes me feel normal and gets rid of the late night brain chatter. I get insomnia sometimes as well. The meds have helped a bit because my mind is allowed to relax. Hopes this helps you.

10-26-2012, 02:52 AM
Hiya and welcome,i real feel for you what you are going through,i did suffer bad anxiety yrs ago and you dont think you will ever get through it but what got me through was a site called no panic and they had a telephone recovery group and people you can talk to who have suffered themselves,i used to have my heart race all the time anxiety 24/7,all your doctors say is take anti deppressants but i was only down because of feelin anxiety but i didnt want to take the tablets,i got through it but dont get me wrong i can feel anxious feelings over things but you learn to cope

10-26-2012, 03:45 AM
Thanks for your replies, your help is much appreciated. This morning was horrific, but I made it to a GP, and he has given me Diazepam to get through the ~2 weeks required for the escitalopram to kick in. I took it and it has zonked me out. Which is a lot better than the anxiety I had been feeling. Here is my plan:
2 weeks: Diazepam to keep me calm when I am feeling particularly bad
Followed by escitalopram
Hopefully then I will be ready for Cognitive Behavioural therapy.

Thanks again.