View Full Version : weird..... help?

10-25-2012, 05:00 AM
Well I've been going to my therapist for about 2 weeks now for my death phobia and anxiety... I just realized how much better I am getting, but it scares me not to worry. I have been so used to worrying that I feel like something bad is going to happen because I am not worrying. She says I am suffering from GAD and that I use worrying as like a defense mechanism. I feel like if I worry i will be protected or something. I am getting a lot better with my death anxiety and not thinking about as often as before. but I just feel weird not thinking about it. Before if I would hear on the news that someone died I would start crying because they were very young. Now I just don't bother caring and it freaks me out kinda. Is this a good sign? That my phobia is going away? I am only sixteen and have had death anxiety well over 3/4 months now. I usually cry when I talk about it. but now I cant even cry when I want to explain how I feel about my fears. I going back next Tuesday and were going to purchase some books for me and do some anxiety workouts and homework. Hopefully it will turn out good.