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10-25-2012, 03:50 AM

I currently am experiencing anxiety/depression

I have been really bad for the last 4 weeks and have hardly left the house. I've actually got my 5 month old sons jabs at 2.40 today. I'm very nervous about leaving the house!

I feel totally exhausted and like I'm not in control of my breathing. I've only just started eating properly again in the hope that this will help pull me through. I haven't been sleeping properly either!

I don't know if thinking about my breathing is some kind of OCD? I was bad week 1 then took a celexa and have been terrible and unable to cope for 3 weeks. I really wish I hadn't taken that tablet!

I have also been prescribed Zoloft but I'm trying to push myself through without the meds, I feel a bit spaced out today and exhausted, does anyone know if what I'm doing is a good thing? I was panicky last night and went to bed at 9pm, I kept thinking I couldn't breath again and kept getting those nervous feelings like when you think something's going to happen. I fell asleep in the end, if i feel a little better today does that mean I'm fighting it well? How long does it take before you feel totally normal going out again?

I just want to be strong enough not to take meds and do it myself. What does everyone think?

10-25-2012, 07:00 AM
Hi , yea I know exactally how you feel & it's hard , especially for those of us with children .

It's hard enough just trying to survive & cope yourself , let alone look after your children & everything that goes with being a mum .

I am not sure what my advice would be regarding med's , I have found that trying to cope without can lead to you loosing a grip on it (personally).

I have found lorazapam to be helpful in situations of deep panic & anxiety , it's helped me through my worst times , but it never gives you an answer as to why you feel the way you do !!.

I've suffered for so long now 15 + years that I've long stopped looking for reasons why & just have to accept its part of who I am & i am stuck with it.

I think when it gets to the point that your anxiety is preventing you going out of the house (been there many a time) I would try an anti anxiety med to help you cope , it's not a weakness to take medication !!.

For me I find the depression harder to deal with , and med's for depression I'm really not sure about . :-/

I'm not much use as I suffer just like you , but in my opinion I'd try a small amount of anti anxiety med , such as diazepam or lorazapam , there will be others aswell , ask your g.p & good luck
Jessy xxx

10-25-2012, 01:01 PM
Hi Jessy

Firstly Thankyou for your message, I find not many people reply on here!

I managed to go out today for 3 hours and I really am proud of myself! Unfortunately I feel very weird and exhausted, I have had 2 glasses of wine but that even tends to make me feel even weirder!!

Sometimes I feel like I can't even look after my son but somehow I manage too. I want to get through it myself but sometimes I it and think am I kidding myself!?!?

I cry a lot when I feel weird and it makes me just want to grab hold of my fiancé, son and family and not let go.

It just seems to have got really bad this time whereas before I managed to push through, maybe because I was using wine before?!? I have never fly this exhausted in all my life!! I feel terrible!

I have got the health visitor coming out next Wednesday for a chat so she can assess me, I'm not in a good way at all! I sooo didn't feel comfortable and I was really anxious and felt out of sorts but I knew that I had o do it!

I've gotta go out tommorow night to see som fireworks, out Saturday night to my mums to. Halloween party and out Sunday to see my mum and stepdad at my local.

I seriously not know how I'm going to do it because I feel so uncomftable and even alcohol doesn't calm my nerves!

Can u suggest anything? Ive tried celexa and diazepam and thy dont work for me, I'm not very good with anti d's as I'm scared of the side affects, also I felt terrible after taking 1 celexa so I stopped!

I'm looking forward to getting my life back but wish I cold right now! :-( x

02-05-2013, 05:48 AM
So sorry for the extremely late reply , I've not been well & not been on here for a while.

How are you getting on ???

I hope by now you have gotten on some medication that helps ,

I know how hard it is , I feel exactally like you do , ever day is a battle


02-05-2013, 08:40 AM
Thanh lý t? l?nh,máy gi?t máy l?nh n?i com qu?t d?ng h?..HÃ*ng n?i d?a Nh?t zin 100%