View Full Version : Rem sleep disorder maybe

10-24-2012, 05:43 AM
Guys I am another health anxiety sufferer . Majorly . The last 5 years have been a living hell . I have been having sleep disruptions. Mostly just scream and kick out and wake us all up trying to hit something that is not there . Once I realise that I go back to sleep . Twice though I have had very vivid dreams and once I thought someone was raping my wife , when I punched him I woke up and I think it was the force of my punch that woke me . I'm not 100 % sure but my wife thinks I threw a punch cause she felt the bed move too . I read doctors literature on rem sleep disorder and it fits (maybe). This is apparently a pre curser to Lewy body dementia or Parkinson's disease . Apparently rem sleep disorder patients have similar Lewy bodies on the brain . This terrifies me as I have watched mum slip away with Lewy body since she was 70 . I feel like ending it now before it gets me . Tell me its something else , or that you been there too . I'm only 36. Please help

11-06-2012, 11:30 AM
I know what your going through, I'm currently having an anxiety scare with Dementia as the main worry and I'm only 22! This is because I have had loads of brain fog and poor memory from the brain fog, always tired etc Just because you are having very vivid dreams does NOT mean you are going to get Dementia. My family have had it to and I've seen what it can do and from my Grandad waking up in a pub and saying right I'm off to bed thinking he was at home and not understanding that he wasn't at home and in a public place, your vivid dreams sound nothing like your starting to lose your mind. The best way I'm finding to deal with poor sleep and stress is take a bath, get your wife to give you a massage, exercise, relieve the tension. There is light at the end of the tunnel; buddy, I seem to have found my dreams are my subconscious sorting out all the crap I've either seen or thought about the day or week before, like a process of what you see and do, think hard I'm sure you'll be able to remember that you though about your wife and a fight and your subconscious muddled them up during sleep like with everything, that's why most dreams make no sense no matter how 'Professors' have tried to interpret them. Hope I helped.