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Duck Daffy
10-24-2012, 02:12 AM
Hello, all.

Recently, it seems as though I've "relapsed" back into anxiety/panic/melancholia. I'm 17 years old and I've been in an on-again-off-again relationship with me ye olde anxiety since the latter days of my prepubescent years. My anxiety/panic is induced by unwanted obsessive (varying in degree of morbidity) thoughts. I've overcome these thoughts before, but it seems like (during my time of peace) these thoughts contacted the epic, bearded, harbinger of death love-child of the Incredible Hulk and Jason Voorhees, learned his ways of merciless destruction, and returned to me with an overwhelming vengeance. Novelty can only keep my mind occupied for so long. That's when the fear commences to wreak vicious barbarian-esque havoc. So I figured, hey, why not google up some sort of anxiety forum and see if I can find some people who can assist me in my time of need. I must admit, though, I was kind of apprehensive to the idea of joining a forum; the last time I was on a forum, well, lets just say myspace was still relevant.

Well, that's my tedious anecdote of an introductory.

Have a nice day.

10-24-2012, 05:30 AM
In the same boat, I go up and down and up and down all the time, no pattern no triggers. One day I'm happy as you like the next I'm hysterical and miserable and its unbearable.