View Full Version : Panic attack in store

10-23-2012, 03:12 PM
So I'm checking out and literally begin to sweat, get dizzy & my heart started to pound. I have to tell the cashier to cancel my items and I run out of the store. I get to my car pull off my sweater (tank top underneath) blast my a/c. I grab a handful of almonds and I literally felt like I was dying. My face was flushed and heart was pounding still. I finally pulled it together to drive home but sill feel awful :( I've been managing my anxiety lately with therapy and takin Zoloft. But this came out of nowhere. Anyone else ever experince this???

10-23-2012, 03:13 PM
My pannick attacks are exactly like this, I haven't had one in public before! That would be really scary :(

10-23-2012, 03:20 PM
As someone who suffers from panic attacks and trying to recover from agoraphobia, I can certainly relate. Stores are terrible for me. I can only go in the store if I stay near the exits, but even that is terrible. It starts off by feeling hot and it feels like I have trouble breathing, then it suddenly feels like I’m going to faint. Once the panic attack starts in a store, I’ve never been able to stop it. My only defense is to leave the store quickly. By the time I get to my car, I usually feel better.

10-23-2012, 03:51 PM
I know running away only feeds the anxiety but i haven't had a full blown attack like that in forever and I freaked out. :( I also feel like lately I keep obsessing over any ache I feel. Like my right side of my stomach has been hurting so I keep freakig out that it's my appendix or something. I have been in total control with my anxiety. The thing with panic attacks that terrifies me is the fact that it can happen whenever and wherever :(

10-24-2012, 12:53 AM
They're sneaky little buggers aren't they?

I have similar experience - just when I feel they are under control BAM!! A panic attack in a new place/to associate with a new experience.

My new thing is with one on one encounters with strangers, whether I'm getting my brows waxed or visiting the doctor. It sucks, but iris far better for you to try and ride it out next time. Don't feed the panic monster by running away.

10-24-2012, 01:18 AM
By definition, anxiety disorder is all about FEAR.

Immense / intense fear can just suddenly strike out of no-where, for what seems on the face of it - silly reasons.

Busy places / enclosed spaces / stores / cinemas... they can all do it.

You can just be standing there, absolutely fine and then the first wave of fear attacks. Sweeping your mind and body.
Now comes the hard bit... CONTROL.

Well, in all honesty, in your early stages of anxiety disorder - it's often IMPOSSIBLE to control, and as much as people suggest "stay where you are" / "face the fear"... there's just NO WAY. Once you are riddled with fear there's usually only ONE way out... and that's to run!!!! The FLIGHT option of fight or flight.

This situation gets better over time and eventually you will be able to control the flight option.
You will continue to experience the same intial wave of fear but you will be able to stop it there.

I'm passed this stage. Unfortunately I never found any techniques to stop it either. Deep breathing, etc. just didn't cut it... at ALL.

KNOWING & understanding that this happens will eventually cure your "flighting", but thereafter you are likely to be left with the same fear triggers... but with a fraction of the effects they once had.