View Full Version : So sick.. Shortness of breath

10-23-2012, 02:58 PM
I have been experiencing shortness of breath for about three days now, I have also had it before. But it's really starting to get me anxious , angry and scared! It's like I am yawning and sighing quite a lot to catch my breath! Please don't tell me this is anxiety too right ?

10-23-2012, 03:04 PM
I've had that the yawning and sighing thing before. I believe this is only gunna continue the more you freak out about it. What have you done to try and relieve the shortness of breath stuff? Like relaxing bath perhaps, or chamomile tea wrapped in a blanket watching a nice movie, or even yoga perhaps? :P
The more you get scared of the shortness of breath thing, the more anxiety will act on it. :/

10-23-2012, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the reply its driving me crazy! I am taking my mind off it and playing a game on my phone, also before bed every night I do deep breathing for ten minutes or so! Ill start that soon thank you!

10-23-2012, 03:28 PM
Honestly i get that aswell,mine was bad when i was pregnant,you have to yawn alot and breath up alot and you feel like u arnt breathing enough and you start thinking about your breathing,but if i woke up next day and didnt think about it i wouldnt get it,i do think it is something to do with anxiety,its a bad habit we have got ourselves into

10-23-2012, 03:34 PM
It's horrible! Constantly feel out of breath, and I then I start to think about it ... And then it gets worse lol it's awful :( frightens me so such !! X

10-23-2012, 03:36 PM
Fisher is right, the more you think on it the more you tend to notice your breathing pattern and it'll start going bizarre and scare ya. Anything to distract helps. But if you can calm yourself, that's best. a cup of chamomile tea will usually calm you within 20 minutes or less. I wouldn't try green tea until symptoms decrease, even though it tastes ALOT better (Imo), because the caffeine might stimulate your anxiousness.

10-23-2012, 03:37 PM
Thanks ace ! Ill tell my mum to buy me some when she goes shoppin hopefully it will help x

10-23-2012, 04:27 PM
Oooooh Nicole... <shakes head>

You do realise you're starting to sound like a hypercondriac, don't you? and we don't want that... do we?

Nicole - I suggest you have an attachment to the idea of getting sick. In particular, you are still attached to the idea that you may have a heart condition, which in turn continues to cause you anxiety, which in turn continues to cause further, perceived issues / symptoms.

What needs to happen is for you to detach from this way of thinking / to stop worrying about your heart.
You need your confidence & happiness back.

If you continue down this route, you're going to cause yourself more and more problems. You might find you'll get nauseous, diahhorea, vomiting, dizziness and all sorts of other crap that is packaged with anxiety.

You're 15, not 65... go live like a 15 year old. You have everything to live for / your whole life ahead of you... DON'T let anxiety take that away.