View Full Version : Panic/anxiety attacks without mental symptoms

10-23-2012, 02:24 PM
I had been dealing with panic/anxiety pretty bad since March 2011 after a cancer diagnosis, but after some therapy and TEA forms I'd been slowly but surely almost completely eliminating any residual anxiety and reducing any incidents of fullblown panic or anxiety attacks to nil. If I felt one come on by chance, I could deflect it. In fact, my last full-blown panic attack was September 14th, 2011, until this past Sunday night.

Sunday I woke up in the middle of the night. I was having a dream before I woke, although I don't remember the content. I rolled over a few times, not able to get comfortable. I was feeling slightly restless mentally I suppose. Then after a few moments I realized my heart was racing like crazy (approx 180 bpm). It was so high that I didn't know what was going on and seriously considered asking my wife to get me to the hospital (literally across the street).

Mentally I was only concerned about what was happening then, and I didn't have any of my previous anxious/panicky feelings that I used to have. Then I realized out of nowhere I was also feeling nauseous. After realizing what was up and trying to control my breathing for a few minutes and having a glass of water, my heart rate began to settle and I eventually fell back into a restless sleep.

Has anyone had this where their body kind of freaks out on them but mentally they are in control? I am willing to accept that I had a panic attack--not sure why because things have been fine in my life lately--but it was one of the stranger ones that I've had.