View Full Version : Do you have other physical symptoms of anxiety then the basic ones...?

10-23-2012, 08:50 AM
Like the title says, I m wondering if any of you have some symptoms beside heart, head problems, dizziness and so....? I for example have lo of back muscle stiffnes, jaw stiffness, tingling that walks around the body, now I have some adult acne, I wonder is all that couse of stress and anxiety...? My symptoms are constantly changing, I m in anxiety circle and I cant get out of it. Googling for symptoms is terrible, so I try my best to not doing that. Any advice or did someone had some similar expiriance?

10-23-2012, 10:45 AM
I have constant physical symptoms! They scare me so much!

10-23-2012, 12:08 PM
I do get back muscle stiffness and sometimes my jaw tighten up but never adult acne. The physical symptoms can be cause from anxiety but you won't know for sure til you go to the doctors. Google is bad although it can put you at ease it can also raise you anxiety level .

10-23-2012, 01:11 PM
I've had a bad back for quite a long time now, mine is like an annoying pain, it's like a heavy pain not like a squeeze just very dull like a ache! Is yours similar? It feels very heavy too!

10-23-2012, 02:05 PM
i've got terrible shoulder aches. and when i touch my shoulder, try and massage it, it's very tender and hurts a LOT. just the left side. 4 years of anxiety have totally ruined the left side of my body. my right side is chilling. it's weird. i took a Tenormin 25mg in the morning and had 3 mugs of chamomile tea through out the day and am anxiety free today. no adrenaline rushes. it feels great but those dull aches are always lurking..

10-23-2012, 02:46 PM
I'm glad that back ache is a common anxiety symptom! I've had it really bad recently I can't discribe how it feels! I have health anxiety so obviously, a ache in the back is like heart attack symptoms to me lol! I never have this dull pain anywhere in my chest! It's just my back! So annoying

10-23-2012, 04:28 PM
Tnx all for reply, I know that acnes come from hormon disbalance, which anxiety cause alot, but this fly from one health fear to another is so annoying, It would be nice to go to the doctor, but who is willing to take you for every new symtom...? Every day some new pain, then after some time goes away then comes back again,and so in circle. Yeah muscle in back are sore, stiffed, and like the thing feeling your in constantly squized, and you cant relax even for a second. Health anxiety is just upgraded anxiety, where your body try to fight fears with concentraiting to the inner symptoms and pains.