View Full Version : CBT worries!!

10-23-2012, 07:49 AM
Hi I've been going to cbt weekly for about three months. Ive had about 8 sessions, I haven't been for nearly two months as my therapist has been sick and unable to make any appointments. I've been told if I'm struggling to go to my GP until she is back. I was starting to feel better about myself and on track, I've been taking sertraline 50mg for 2 months and I started having night sweats, I wake up soaking wet about four five times a night, I've missed my last three periods (no I'm not preggerz) so I stopped taking the sertraline. I know I shouldn't have just stopped. But I hate going to g.p I have a panic attack every time I go. This week I feel like my anxiety and come back hard, In worried all my work with my cbt therapist has been lost and I don't know who to talk to about it. :(

10-23-2012, 03:21 PM
Nasty little drug .

I have been off it about 6 weeks and my body is still trying to adjust .

Your recovery needs to move along , big gaps will cause you to drop back and i think that you would be better to find another therapist or start doing your own research .

I get my cbt though the nhs so not sure I get a choice who I get. I hate taking tablets, I worry about the side affects play on my mind alot

10-23-2012, 03:59 PM
Yeah I've been thinking about getting some books, work hard at it and getter better without meds.

10-24-2012, 11:53 AM
I tried drugs and felt like my anxiety got worse. There's a book title mind over mood that helps with changing the way you think and the way you look at things . Try hard to stay positive and do things that helps build up your self confidence . To me I think drugs are all the same , the come down sucks . Will is more powerful then fear. Will conquer all. Hope I helped a little