View Full Version : My heart and my anxiety

10-23-2012, 06:47 AM
So my fiancée got up for work this morning and his son was being a jack ass and he is now in a shitty mood I know I didn't do anything and he's even said he's not upset with me at all but my anxiety is telling me different I absolutely can't stand feeling like this my heart knows its not me but my anxiety is telling me it is and I know if I know it's my anxiety I shouldn't listen but it's harder to do than it sounds

10-23-2012, 12:30 PM
So my fiancée got up for work this morning and his son was being a jack ass and he is now in a shitty mood I know I didn't do anything and he's even said he's not upset with me at all but my anxiety is telling me different I absolutely can't stand feeling like this my heart knows its not me but my anxiety is telling me it is and I know if I know it's my anxiety I shouldn't listen but it's harder to do than it sounds

You need a new keyboard. The full stop doesn't seem to working?


10-23-2012, 03:41 PM
I'm the queen of run on sentences if that's what u mean lol

10-23-2012, 05:34 PM
I'm the queen of run on sentences if that's what u mean lol

It is! by the time I'd finished reading it I'd gone crossed eyed.

Like this:

( o)(o )


I noticed you mentioned "HIS son". I take it you're a step mom?

The anxiety you feel is probably a combination of you feeling as though you don't fit in (inbetween your fiancee & HIS son) and some doubt about the relationship?

Perhaps you're not coping with the whole "step mom thing" too well?

You know, the best thing you can EVER do in a relationship is TALK / communicate / voice your opinions & concerns / listen to their opinions & concerns / get it out in the open.
The more you bottle stuff up the worse things get.
You MUST talk. Tell him how you feel and take it from there.

10-23-2012, 06:44 PM
We talk and its not just him it's my kids too I get bad when he leaves to go out of town for work,