View Full Version : 24 hour egc

10-23-2012, 02:23 AM
I'm going for my 24 hour EGC at 10am, hopefully that will put my mind at rest from my anxiety! Has anyone had one of these before ? If so what happens??

10-23-2012, 02:30 AM
>I'm going for my 24 hour EGC

>what happens??

Your heart is monitored for 24 hours, lol


10-23-2012, 02:31 AM
Yes quite clearly, have you had one?? Tell me more about them! :p

10-23-2012, 03:07 AM
Its called a holter monitor. Its basically a portable EKG machine that is worn for 24 hours to monitor your heart rhythm over that time. When you get an EKG at the Dr office, it gives you a picture of your heart rhythm in that moment. The holter lets you see if and how long you have any abnormal rhythms. During the 24 hours, you will likely be told to keep a diary of any symptoms you may have (chest pain, shortness breath etc), at what time, and what you were doing, and anything else. That way, the doc can evaluate the results and correlate any symptoms. So if you suddenly get symptoms of panic, the holter will tell of any arrhythmias that correlate. This is very informative for someone with anxiety/panic, because whenever we get symptoms, and think they are a heart attack, if we were having one, there would be a specific arrhythmia on the EKG. So if its all just anxiety, it will be likely that the holter will be normal, and you can sleep soundly knowing that it is NOT heart related.

10-23-2012, 04:33 AM
Thanks for that kind advice! I have bad basic ecgs done before but I wasn't sure about the 24 hour! I asked the doctors for this test so that it can put my mind at rest that it is only anxiety! As the test will hopefully pick up any heart problems or anything abnormal which I think I have because my anxiety is telling me so! So hopefully when the tests come back perfectly fine, I will start to get my mind at rest! X

10-23-2012, 05:09 AM
So.. Nicole... if all turns out fine, are you going to leave this forum and go live your life, wild & carefree - like a 15yr old should? :-)

10-23-2012, 05:10 AM
Yes!! There's nothing that I'd love more than to do that