View Full Version : does it ever end??

10-22-2012, 07:37 PM
hi so i am pretty new to the anxiety have only been suffering for a short time i have good days then i seem to have bad mostly all my anxiety is over health concerns and death every little thing such as a sore neck or sore throat seems to turn into something so much bigger like ive got some terrible illness/disease and im going to die then what it is and i just dont seem to be able to control it no matter how many times i say to myself there is nothing wrong with you you are just blowing things out of proportion.
this is anxiety isnt it?? i cant help but think that i have something terribly wrong with me as i am a 28 year old mum to four kids and then all of a sudden bam i have anxiety i cant get my head around how it has just hit me now and now it wont go away.
all these thoughts and everything is driving me crazy i wish it would just go away will it ever go away?? or is this it for me now?

10-22-2012, 08:11 PM
It take time to heal. But yeah that is anxiety. The source of my anxiety was the fear of death. Anything that related to death, dying ect I was uncomfortabel with and felt anxious. My grandfathers nursing home in Tokyo, I felt nervous there. Because I knew these people were nearing the end, and I hated the thought of me when I hit that point. I had to stop watching horror movies where people died gruesome deaths and crap like that. When I get sick with something worse than a cold, like if it's a bad flu I start to freak out thinking it might be something else. :/ it sucks.

It will go away, you just have to find a method that works for you in healing it. Don't like, try and force yourself to completely block anxiety off. That will just bottle it up. Just try to accept the anxiety. but keep yourself calm as best you can during it. Like if you notice yourself getting anxious if you get a cold or something, just take deep breaths and say "It's just anxiety making me think this is something bigger. Deep breaths. I'm fine, just a cold. I'll just do something I enjoy for a bit until it fades"

That's what has worked for me at least. Different methods work differently for different people :P just gotto find the one that works as I've said :]

10-23-2012, 12:56 AM
You sound exactly like what I struggle with on a daily basis. Having a pain in my shoulder makes me think blocked artery, and a headache makes me think brain tumor :( your not alone though.

10-23-2012, 01:17 AM
Seems like that for a lot of folk, the development of anxiety disorder comes about either because of, or relating to a sudden realization that death is real.
Death is a shocking & deeply saddening / depressing certainty, which, if you allow it... can completely consume you & change your entire outlook in an instant.

Where once you were completely oblivious to it / getting on with your daily stuff without a thought... this can change overnight.

Anxiety, death, depression and a conclusion that "everything is pointless" seem to be somewhat inter-linked and shared between anxiety disorder sufferers.
Which came first? who knows... but almost guaranteed that they'll all show themselves at some point.

Accept death as say, just another stage of life. View it as something that will happen when the time is right - a long time in the future when you're done with life and ready for it.

For now... live.

10-23-2012, 02:15 PM
Yes, it will end. I had bad anxiety and panic attacks beginning in March 2011 after being diagnosed with cancer. I ignored it a lot but after finally realizing I needed some help, I did some counseling, learned some CBT and TEA forms, and had a little help from Ativan. As of now things are healing very nicely...I feel great 95% of the time, and when I feel crappy/anxious I can just ignore it. You'll be able to get through yours well if you address the symptoms, especially any underlying concerns you may have with your life, and work at it!