View Full Version : Fear of developing schizophrenia, please help

10-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi I’m new at talking about my anxiety so please bear with me. I have a fear of developing schizophrenia ever since seeing the reports of the Colorado movie theatre shooter. It scared me into thinking about what could possibly have caused someone to do that to innocent people. This prompted me to read up on schizophrenia as they mentioned it in the news reports. I soon realized how many symptoms I have in common. I cannot relate to anything of hearing voices or having hallucinations at all, but I worry about the other symptoms. I am not delusional and I can identify with reality and perceptions.

However, recently I am struggling with more difficulty speaking fluently in an organized manner and getting all my thoughts out. Even writing this I am trying my best not to be “scattered brain” and jump around from thought to thought. I have always been a little socially awkward and experience difficulty holding a conversation. When I’m talking it can be difficult for me to think of an appropriate response quickly. I might also struggle for the right word mid-sentence. It has always been a minor inconvenience, but seems to be getting worse the more I panic about it. I can think logically and am usually level headed unless I start worrying.

Lately it seems I am having trouble remembering and concentrating. There are times I can be in the shower thinking about something and actually forget whether or not I just washed my hair! I am under stress from situations in life and the concern of this is adding more to it. I’m not familiar with much anxiety(or severely fearing a condition at least) as this is new to me. I recognize my speech sounds monotone and not as chipper as I use to be. I’m very concerned. Recently I have been having unwanted and racing thoughts which I cannot control. I have never had this before and it scared me badly when it first happened.

There are times when I am becoming VERY nervous or anxious for no reason at all, usually at night. I also have been waking up feeling nervous about nothing specific. I can try to think logically and once I’m up and about doing something I start to feel better but I still might have butterflies in my stomach for a while.

I have become aware of the fact that I share some characteristics of OCD. These are not new to me unlike some of the issues I have mentioned above. I was actually relieved to have read about OCD because I always knew I had odd behaviors, but no idea what it could be. I have certain tics like wanting to click my teeth to a random beat. I get the urge to do things repetitiously or in a certain pattern. I also feel obligated to do something a certain way or else I will be punished. I am also extremely phobic of germs and absolutely must wash my hands before eating (I feel an excessive need to). I am aware these are unreasonable actions and I have mostly become able to overcome the OCD urges or rituals throughout the years. I have always had a slight fear of going out in public, although I have generally been able to overcome that as well.

I am struggling with the fear and anxiety more so than ever have before. I would really appreciate some advice or insight to this. Thank you

10-23-2012, 10:27 AM
So I wrote that in the midst of a panic attack. Feeling better now. I have to get my anxiety under control!

10-23-2012, 10:28 PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I am beginning to obsess over this and need to find a way to control the anxiety. Talking about it seems to help. Somehow the anxiety builds up again eventually. I dont want to talk to anybody I know about this because I feel they might think I really am losing it. Are there any other methods I can try to help coping?

I wanted to touch on a few points to try and better understand. Hypothetically, lets say someone were to develop full schizo at age 22, was there not a time in their life when they were completely normal and had normal thought processes? I cant understand the transitioning into schizo. Say for example they had typical anxiety at age 16 and they sensed something might be off and worried they would one day develop schizo, but their doctor would tell them no its just your anxiety; then years on down the road it does develop into schizo. Does it ever happen like this?

10-23-2012, 11:27 PM
I wanted to add that the only thing I have been doing differently when all this anxiety started to act up recently is taking high doses of Vitamin B12. I've decided today to stop taking it and see how things go. I'm not sure does b12 have any affect on anxiety?

10-24-2012, 06:18 PM
Does anybody else here not worry about getting a serious disease or illness? How do you deal with the overbearing anxiety?

I was hoping someone would chime in. I feel lonely when there isn't any reply. :( Not sure where to turn to for support.

I use to have pretty bad anxiety in public places, always looking for the nearest escape route in crowded areas. A few years ago I was going through a time where in church I could barely stand sitting in the pews with so many people around. I would start stressing out, wondering how I would get out if I had to or what will happen if I pass out in front of everybody. I would worry myself sick thinking I might throw up and not be able to get to the bathroom. Rediculous stuff. I was somehow able to overcome this and I do much better out in crowds. Now my anxiety is acting up in other ways and I dont know how to cope.

10-25-2012, 01:26 PM
Bump. Certainly there must be someone to offer advice.

10-25-2012, 09:05 PM
I have some of those issues too. I think about something being wrong with me or getting a disease or illness. It's tough, but u have to try to put it out of your mind. I definitely know how it can consume your thoughts though. Some things I try are watching tv, playing a game on my phone or carrying a conversation with someone cause all of those things take my mind off the anxiety and normally minimize it or make it go away.

10-26-2012, 02:50 AM
Nothing wrong with being a schizo.

You can pinch stuff from shops and if you get caught - just blame it on your other self!

10-27-2012, 05:05 PM
I have some of those issues too. I think about something being wrong with me or getting a disease or illness. It's tough, but u have to try to put it out of your mind. I definitely know how it can consume your thoughts though. Some things I try are watching tv, playing a game on my phone or carrying a conversation with someone cause all of those things take my mind off the anxiety and normally minimize it or make it go away.


Nothing wrong with being a schizo.

You can pinch stuff from shops and if you get caught - just blame it on your other self!

Jacka$$. Lol

10-27-2012, 08:43 PM

Jacka$$. Lol

you're very malcolm!

10-27-2012, 11:42 PM
I think you've gone nucking futs! :p

11-04-2012, 07:32 AM
I'm going through exactly the same thing! I had my anxiety under control for a while there and then for no aparent reason it came back worse than ever, completely different symptoms. I read online (not a good idea) about schizophrenia and started to worry so much about developing it! Also self diagnosed myself with a brain tumour, diabetes, MS.. You name it, I believed I could have it. I still have they thoughts just now but i'm trying to overcome it by telling myself that if I have it, I have it, worrying won't change anything. Easier said than done though lol, but you're not alone :-)