View Full Version : I just got engaged..so why do I feel so anxious?

10-22-2012, 05:59 PM
I've had issues with anxiety in the past. I knew this was coming, but right now my head is spinning and I keep trying to keep my breathing steady. Any advice?

10-22-2012, 06:22 PM
I would say it's because marriage is a big commitment. Everything changes after that. When I saw this topic, it reminded me of the film "Runaway Bride" :P haha
Don't worry. Marriage is a happy thing!

10-22-2012, 09:42 PM
I had a lot anxiety after getting engaged. I think its completely understandable. It's change and a lot of people with anxiety have a hard time with that. For me it meant moving 45mns from my support network & my job, a big deal when you don't drive that far. It gets better and all worth the anxiety in the end. Good luck! Did you set a date?

10-22-2012, 11:29 PM
Because Its a big step. Its normal to feel anxious like everyone says. But you said yes/proposed, so it means youre in love. Let that keep you going, its scary but it will be okay rember this is gonna be a beatiful part of your life.

10-23-2012, 12:37 AM
Because Its a big step. Its normal to feel anxious like everyone says. But you said yes/proposed, so it means youre in love. Let that keep you going, its scary but it will be okay rember this is gonna be a beatiful part of your life.

There's two sides to a coin.

Yes, of course it's a big commitment which is BOUND to cause anxiety, but let's not rule out the possibility that maybe you're not ready for it... or worse, don't actually want it.

Time to be truthful to yourself and everyone around you.

Do you really, REALLY want it?