View Full Version : why do i feel like this?

10-22-2012, 04:03 PM

All my symptoms are back for no reason. But tonight I'm trying to get to sleep but I can't, everytime I shut my eyes I have weird dreams and shallow breaths, I wake back up and I'm dizzy and weak and so tired but I can't sleep, i feel like I'm half dead. I'm constantly twitching too. I'm so scared I feel like going to die

I keep doing more and more twitches that are tuning into proper flinches, I'm beginning to get worried I thought my mum tapped me and I flinched, that's how bad my last twitch was it was like a full body twitch. I think I'm going to have a seizure, SOMEONE REPLY QUICK:( I CAN'T SEE PROPERLY IM DIZZY I HAVE A HEADACHE I'VE NEVER TWITCHED SO MUCH

10-22-2012, 04:28 PM
Firstly just sit down and take deep breaths keep telling yourself you will be fine, once you are calm call someone and get medical advice if you need too

10-22-2012, 04:49 PM
Breathe deeply, and focus on something nice.
Speak about this with whoever you feel comfortable with.
And yes, professional advice will also help ease your mind.

I hope you feel better.

10-22-2012, 05:21 PM
Worst thing you can do is go to bed with full-on anxiety or worse, flight or fight mode.
Your brain will be in fear overload and the last thing it's gonna allow you to do is sleep.

Like... "oh shit, there's a Lion stalking me... think I'll take a nap and deal with it later"

I would first turn to natural calming remedies, and if they didn't work... perhaps pop half a diazepam to passify the anxieties / fight or flight.