View Full Version : What do you take?

10-22-2012, 11:16 AM
Is there any home remedies you guys have? I know how bad this is, but I don't feel like anything is real right now and I feel really twitchy and as though everything is too far away and I need todo something to get back to normal.
I was prescribed codeine as pain relief a while back and it makes me real sleepy so taking that is on my mind.
The only other thing I can resort to is cutting, that would make me feel real, but I'm determined not to.

10-22-2012, 12:31 PM
Cutting isn't going to solve anything. For home remedies, i'd recommend pampering yourself. Get some herbal tea e.g chamomile or peppermint any kind of herbal. just lie back and relax, put on some calming music, and try to meditate. Also, what i do is i have menthol oil that i rub on my chest and on my temples and inhale it a bit. It helps me breathe normally and relaxes me loaaaads. Aroma therapy. Also Yoga. Sort out your thoughts. Don't spend too much time on your own.. i know from experience that when i spend too much time on my own i go a little crazy i'll start having crazy irrational thoughts that make me feel like nothing is real. derealization..

10-22-2012, 12:45 PM
The pampering technique is interesting, maybe you could pain t your nails, take a hot bath, light some scented candles. Sounds nice:) maybe you find something to distract yourself. Is there anything that you're really into like books or a hobbie? Arts and crafts are really fun. You could make bows or book marks or potpourri satchets.

10-22-2012, 01:10 PM
I've been taking passion flower and chamomile for 1 month now steady, and things are MUCH MUCH better. I'm also thinking of trying St. Johns Wort.

10-22-2012, 01:18 PM
a lot of anxiety is due to low self esteem and low self confidence and thinking that you're not strong enough or good enough to deal with a certain situation or problem. so pampering yourself will make you feel better so you'll look at yourself better. I always find that when i go shopping and buy myself clothes and perfumes and food and.. a new PS3! i always feel better and de-stressed. same with getting massages. i had one today and i must say im anxiety free today. it feels great.

10-22-2012, 01:22 PM
Thank you for taking the time to reply :)
In response to all of that:
- I actually spend 90% of my time alone and you're right, that defiantly makes me worse, but I don't have a choice over that because I've an injury an all of my friends are at uni which I had I miss because of the injury :(
- the pampering sounds like a good idea. I think ill take a bath tomorrow and add some oils to it, thank you for the idea :)
- no you're right about the cutting, I'm not going to. I've even cut free for about 6 months now I'm not gunna give in just yet
- I'm actually a great believer of herbal remedies, so ill definitely give the first two a try and if that doesn't help ill take at johns wort.
I'm feeling a bit better for now, I'm just going to try to prepare myself for tonight's likely onslaught :/
Really, thank you for replying. :)

10-22-2012, 01:28 PM
vonnhelsing, thank you also for replying :)
Yeah maybe ill buy something from the Internet tomorrow.. Or spend some time of skyrim and that might distract me!
I just feel like I'm trapped inside my own head and it's inescapable I know I probably need to get professional help but I don't actually know where to go for it, because I can't really talk to my gp about it.
Thanks again x