View Full Version : Nervous about doctor visit today

10-22-2012, 06:21 AM
I'm scared that he's going to say I don't have anxiety and that all of these symptoms (head tension, haven't been able to sleep much, sometimes feeling like I can't breathe, feeling like I'm about to die, scared to leave the house, thinking I have a brain tumor, skin problems)) are a serious disease. usually when i go to the doctor, i get nerbous and try to get in there and out as fast as i can. how do yall handle doctor visits? im up right now with only 4 hours of sleep snd tension headache on one side, this one vidit is stressing me out.disease. This will be my first time telling a doctor about my anxiety, before that I've been keeping it to myself.

Also, are anxiety pills bad? If he tells me that I do have anxiety and need pills, do I ask for a different method?

And if I do get put on pills, do they help social anxiety also?

Sorry for all of the questions.

10-22-2012, 07:43 AM
I usually love going to the doctors cuz i feel safe there :-/ try writing down what u want to say or just bullet points so u dont get flustered and forget things! It definately sounds like anxiety, and for the pills thats up to you really i take ADs because my anxiety was just so bad i couldnt contemplate anything else like cbt and counselling until id calmed down abit. They work for me but they dont for some!


10-22-2012, 10:10 AM
Thanks kzac. Yea I know it's a bit odd for me to not like visiting the doctor considering I always think something is wrong with me, but I am extremely terrified of him actually confirming that I really do have what I think I have. I get very nervous going to the doctor.

10-22-2012, 10:27 AM
Is it that doctor or any? If its just him can u see another! Some docs just dont understand anxiety at all im lucky my doc is very good!

I bang on about this in every thread but i find keeping a diary helps just spend 10 mins at the end of every day preferably when in bed to write down everything from that day thoughts feelings everything its not a quick fix but over time it helped me! Helps you sleep better to!


10-22-2012, 03:45 PM
Kelly, it's not just him, it's all doctors.
But after this visit, I'm feeling a bit better about him. He said he won't put me on medication for anxiety and he suggested what you suggested, he said for me to keep a journal, start going to church, and to do fun activities.
But I have to go to a cardiologist now to see if I have a heart murmur!! More stuff to worry about lol

10-22-2012, 05:04 PM
Heart tests are quite normal when diagnosed with anxiety try not to worry! Yep journal really helps relaxation tapes or apps r good to especially for helping you sleep not only to fall to sleep but have a quality sleep to! I know when i have crap sleep it really affects me the next day! My advice try anything ( within reason lol ) and you will find what works for you!


10-22-2012, 05:16 PM
Heart tests are a must, since many anxiety related symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, arm pains) can mimic or "feel like" that of real heart issues.

These pains / sensations are anxieties worst symptoms in my opinion. They frighten the living daylights out of people... and quite rightly so.

Most people get nervous when visiting docs... that's natural, however, remember that doc visits are necessary to help you along your journey of beating anxiety.
Without them you'd be left wondering, which is actually a WORSE state to be in.

10-23-2012, 05:37 AM
I wasn't even anxious when he was checking my heart, but he says since I'm skinny, that could be why he heard extra stuff so he's referring me to a cardiologist just to be sure. Can anxiety cause your heart to do stuff even when your not anxious?
I was a bit nervous though. I get confused sometimes about whether nervous and anxious are the same thing.

Dazza that does make sense. Its better to get the stuff that i think have confirmed. i just won't be relaxed until my results come back in from my blood work and until after i see the cardiologist. I'm so scared they're gonna find something.

I am going to start keeping a journal. I just hope I don't have anxiety all my life. At 19, it's really stopping me from doing the things I should be doing. I do blame myself though for letting anxiety stop me.