View Full Version : relaxing

10-22-2012, 02:21 AM
How do you people relax after long day at work ... coming home to your families. what do you do and how do u cope... what relaxation techniques do you use. And how do u switch off?

10-27-2012, 05:15 PM
After a day of being around people who have lost their memories, coming home to an empty house (well except for a dog) feels weird. I feel empty as well. So to cope with this, I watch tv or take a nap. Experiment in the kitchen for dinner. Play some video games. Yes I know that's odd, but yeah it helps.

What do you do?

10-27-2012, 05:53 PM
I mainly play video games to relax. League of Legends, or maybe WoW. Something I can absorb into. Get my mind off all the crap.
If that's not available, like right now (I fried my motherboard on my gaming Rig), I watch movies on Netflix, or go out with some buddies for a little bit. And return intoxicated. But I'm single x.x If I had kids, I think I'd play with them a bit, read them stories. Play games with them. Go bike riding with them, play ball in the yard.

10-27-2012, 08:41 PM
How do you people relax after long day at work ... coming home to your families. what do you do and how do u cope... what relaxation techniques do you use. And how do u switch off?

i play with my twanger & bounce my balls...

10-27-2012, 11:50 PM
I'm going to have to agree with this relaxation technique. ^^^

I dont get around to it often, but with all these anxiety issues acting up lately I decided today to spank the monkey. Seriously. WHEW instant stress reliever!

10-28-2012, 03:10 AM
I'm going to have to agree with this relaxation technique. ^^^

I dont get around to it often, but with all these anxiety issues acting up lately I decided today to spank the monkey. Seriously. WHEW instant stress reliever!


If you're from the UK, you might know of / remember the kids program "Rainbow"... (zipppy / bungle / george)
Here's a special they did for a christmas party... full of sexual innuendo:
