View Full Version : Healthier eating

10-22-2012, 02:08 AM
I urge everyone who has horrible anxiety to evaluate your diets. I've had anxiety for 5 years which included panic attacks, racing thoughts, doomed feeling, all that. 2 months ago I switched my diet from fast food, chips, pop from all that junk to veggies, fruits, and healthy low carb foods, the day after I started it I became COMPLETELY anxiety free. I have been ever since! I never thought I'd be cured and thought it had to do with my brains (as doctors always tell you), turns out I cured it on a fluke of just wanting to eat healthier diet has a lot to do with it! Now I realize some cases it is a chemical imbalance but please if you eat unhealthy just try for one day raw veggies and fruit and healthy meals this could be the case for many people! I know how hellish it is to have anxiety I never thought I'd see a anxious free day in my life again but my prayers were answer and found what was causing mine.

10-22-2012, 02:24 AM
Interesting.... what's best thing to eat I hate veg. I don't mind fruit... so I cut sugar??? No fat... sat fat... or salt or caffeine I always eat shit :/ interesting..

10-22-2012, 08:07 AM
For me I'm a bug broccoli fan so irate lots of that everyday because its very filling and rich in vitamins. I

10-22-2012, 08:08 AM
Sorry wasn't don't with that message!! I am rewriting it now

10-22-2012, 08:28 AM
For me I'm a bug broccoli fan so irate lots of that everyday because its very filling and rich in vitamins. I

Haha that made me smile

10-22-2012, 08:44 AM
I eat lots of vegetables a day. I was never a huge veggie fan but I forced myself to eat it everyday and now I actually like it. For snack I do fruit and sometimes veggies because they are extremely filling and don't leave you feeling empty 5 minutes later like junk food and has a bunch of vitamins (i think i was lacking these nutrients hard core that my mind Was screwed up, like if you dont eat for a day and it becomes hard to function/ think straight)For meals I either do shrimp, chicken, or fish cutting out red meat and all greasy meat (that was the hardest). I also do lunch meat sandwiches for lunch with 100 calorie flatbread low fat sandwich spread lettuce and cheese. You can prepare the meals to your liking... Burritos, pasta, tacos, plain,ect... I found the app for the iPhone "calorieking" helpful because it tells you the calorie content of everything and also "spark recipes" app for recipes. I NEVER would cook before so I didn't know what to make so these apps have been helpful in finding things I like and things I want to try. Each meal and snack I add veggies. 1 cup of either raw (throughout the day) or cooked veggies (for dinner).

If you absolutely can't stand veggies you could try v8 fusion, I haven't tried it but maybe that could get you through your daily doses of veggies?

You can also use dips and what not for fruits and veggies. For apples i dip them in peanut butter (my favorite).

So my diet is:


Low-cal breakfast- bagel or yogurt or really anything that's low calorie and add fruit such as peaches, strawberries, raspberries, really anything. At least one cup if fruits.

Snack: veggie or fruit. I usually do broccoli because it makes me feel really satisfying and healthy. I also do carrots and dip or apple an peanut butter. (I adjust this sometimes to include carbs if my meals don't have much calories such as pita bread and hummus).

Lunch: flat bread sandwich, cup veggies, cup of fruit.

Snack: same as above

Dinner: I prepare a cooked meal which varies a lot as I try new things. I just make sure the calorie content isn't high for example last night I had a southwest shrimp burrito with a wheat tortilla.

Before I forget to mention- I try to maintain a 1200 calorie a day diet sometimes it's higher but I try to stuck to that.

When you shop for ingredients make sure to look at every piece of food you are purchasing to make a meal to make sure it's the best for you, for example bread and tortillas you want while grain wheat because its good for your body.

I used to just hate thinking of dieting and never thought I would. I'm not over weight in any means (5'10" and 137lbs) so I thought I didn't need to watch what I eat, I was completely wrong it's like animals- they eat raw in nature as did humans years ago but now there's all this processed crap that we in take that the body isn't receiving what it's meant to receive to live off for energy and chemical balances in our minds.

Sorry for writing a book and not being shorter! I dint have time to edit- runnin out the door for work!

One more thing- for drinking wise- I drink flavor sparkling water, regular water, juice, and coffee. I cut out pop which I use to drink everyday sometimes even for breakfast! That's before I des covered I like coffee!

Let me know if you want to know anything else!

10-22-2012, 10:16 AM
I eat lots of vegetables. The problem is, I'm never consistent and even though I do eat vegetables, I eat just as much sugar. For instance, for lunch ill eat a spinach salad with chicken. then after that eat like some cake, cookies, or candy. the hard part is cutting out sugar. im scared if i do that cold turkey, ill crash a few days later and eat a lot of bad stuff.

Halloween is just around the corner too! Ugh so hard to not eat bad.

10-22-2012, 01:33 PM
I feel for you... Dieting is one of the hardest things to accomplish, I totally understand how hard it is. Thankfully since its helped stop my anxiety i know i have to continue or suffer, literally suffer the consequences. Are there any sweet fruits out there that you like? For example raspberries cure the cravings for sweets for me. Maybe work into a routine slowly, that might work best. I changed mine dramatically completely cutting all the bad stuff at once (i had to do the all or nothing method :) now i just have to do that with smoking!! yikes!) I know the cravings are there but you just have to find the healthy substitutes that please that craving.