View Full Version : Someone PLEASE tell me im not alone

10-22-2012, 01:06 AM
I'm 25, have my bachelors degree, working on my MBA, and currently out of work. I've been struggling with general anxiety disorder for the last 2 years, mainly scared about my health. I'm about 20 pounds overweight, had a clear checkup from my doctor every three months, all blood test and ekgs fine, but I can't stop worrying about my health and my heart, I play a lot of games to keep me busy, but I can only stay so busy. I take 200 mg Zoloft every night, and usually

10-22-2012, 01:10 AM
.5 mg Xanax . I'm trying to go down to .25 Xanax but its really hard, lately, I've been getting these random derealisations, and it makes me feel like I'm crazy. I have an incredibly tough time relaxing at night, and sometimes I wake up In the middle of the night freaking out. Sometimes I get soar on my left rib cage an right under my left breast and it freaks me out even more. My doc and psychiatric say I'm fine but I am so sick of freaking out on a daily basis. I've had an amazing girlfriend for 7 years and an awesome dog, but it's so hard to shake this. PLEASE can anyone relate? I'm not alone am I?

10-22-2012, 05:22 AM
200 mg of Zoloft is alot.. I don't take it yet but pretty sure 200g would put me out drooling. Or make me insane. I have a small frame but even for a slightly bigger size person that sounds like a monster dose. You might be waking up freaking out because you're taking it at night, morning might make you sleep better. As far as the chest pain, I get it too, in the same spot. It's worse when I have back pain, it travels through the nerves and feels like its shooting into my heart but its just The nerves plus anxiety. Your heart is fine it's all in brain signals. Tell your doc about what's going on, maybe he will put you back on the xanax or something similar that wont keep you awake and will stop the panic ;) hope you feel better soon!!

10-22-2012, 01:19 PM
200mg is still within the recommended limits for Zoloft, so it's not THAT much, firefly!

But it does not seem to be working. If it were you would not be having those symptoms, and you certainly would have no need for Xanax. How long have you been taking Zoloft? And how often do you see your shrink? I suggest you talk to them about this, and ask them for a different drug.

No. You are NOT alone. We've all been there, and it's tough until you find the right meds for you. But we're here to help, and we will help you.

Keep us posted!!!

10-23-2012, 12:50 AM
I see my psych about once every month and a half, and I've been on Zoloft since around may and it seemed to be working fine for a while no Xanax needed or anything. I think I'm stressed out being unemployed and worrying about my future. I have my bachelors and working on my MBA but still no job :(