View Full Version : How to stop beating yourself up

10-21-2012, 10:38 PM
I keep beating myself up over this interview I had. Today all these negative thoughts kept popping up in my head. Like "you spoke too much and made it all about yourself" and "that's stupid you didn't even answer the question". Its sad because I think I did well, but it's like I can't even accept that. Like my mind tells me I didn't do good enough. Btw have a perfectionist/narcissistic mom, so that's probably where it comes from.

Anyone ever felt like this? Its horrible. I'm trying to tell myself "good job", but its so frustrating, because every hour or so I tell myself how badly I did. How do I stop doing this?

10-21-2012, 11:10 PM
I've done that before when my school lost the State competition play my junior year in high school. I worked so hard at my role, and even made myself cry for my depressing monologue. However, at one point I was stuck in makeup, as the girl accidently blooped on the eyeliner and it went across kind of on my upper cheek or whatever. Had to fix it and I was late when I was supposed to go out on stage, so I left them out on stage improvising until I could get out there. I blamed our loss on that, even though we came in second place. I kept beating myself up for it. Felt AWFUL for days and days. Things running through my head that I could of done better and could have gone without the makeup and just went over my lines again instead before going out.

You can't help what's in the past though. You can't go back and change it. What's done is done, and if you think you did well, then you did well. Just leave it at that. If they don't call you back, you're meant for better. I got anxiety during an interview at Costco not long ago. That would have been an AMAZING job, but well... I thought I did absolutely amazing, I made them smile and laugh and they were amazed. But, I didn't get called back, so I just kept my head high and said "There'll be better. You did fine. What' done is done."

Just take a deep breath and say "You did the best you could. There will be more opportunities. I will rock my next interview and go far!! Woo!" and then do a little dance of awesomness.

You can do it! Go go go! When lifes got you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming :P

10-21-2012, 11:33 PM
Making yourself cry for your monologue, I don't know why but that made me laugh, lol. But anyway, thanks for your reply and the encouraging words. I feel a lot better after reading that. Your positive attitude about your interview is inspiring. I know that I did do my best for that interview, so I don't have anything to feel bad about. I just have to remind myself of that. Thanks :)