View Full Version : discrimination

04-09-2007, 01:28 PM
Does anyone else feel you are discriminated against because you have anxiety?

A few weeks ago my family and I went skiing on vacation, being my first time, I fell and broke my wrist. I bought a wrist brace at wal-mart and babied it for the rest of the time. So when I come home I get to my doctor who takes Ex-Rays and tells me I broke my Scaphoid bone. He shows me in the Ex-ray and sends me to an orthopedic office. That doctor there starts to ask me about my anxiety and how do I deal with it and etc. I was not rude but basically was like I have a doctor for that, thanks. Please fix my wrist, well this is the funny part. He tells me there is nothing wrong with my wrist, that it is anxiety. Hello my wrist is clearly deformed and swollen, well maybe I should take my anxiety meds and some IB Profen. Okay so can you at least give me a splint? Nope, because there is nothing wrong, it is all in my head.

So while I was paying the bill for this service I asked to speak with his nurse, to whom I showed my wrist to and said please I need a splint to keep the wrist immobilized. She looks at me horrified like she couldn't believe he didn't give me a splint or cast it. Then she walks to the cabinet and gives me a carpel tunnel splint.

My doctor said that this bone is tricky to fix, sometimes a splint is better than a cast. Which in my case he thinks the splint is better because I am a constant hand washer. That being said.............I truly feel the other doctor would have treated me different if he didn't know I have panic disorder.

04-09-2007, 11:12 PM
what a jerk! Was your injury very obvious? it's hard to imagine a doctor would say that if your wrist was truly obviously broken!

V for Victor
04-10-2007, 03:03 PM
He sounds like a quack!!

04-13-2007, 01:05 PM
wow that is so rude! that reminds me of my one teacher. i won;t go into any major details but...

i was taken out of my school in a wheelchair shaking and crying cause i had the worst anxiety attack i've ever had. my teacher saw me and asked if i was okay. the next day he walked into study hall all shaking his body like how i was in the chair and like stumbling and said "oh holly i don;t want you coming to my class all crazy!" and then he came over to my table and started immatating the heavy fast breathing i was doing. he was LAUGHING at me.

it was horrible and i felt so stupid. my one friend said he was trying to amke it light but he didn;t work. i talked to him and said i didn;t like him doing that and since he kinda ignores me now. he just leaves me alone and gives me wierd looks during his class. i bet he thnks i'm going to freak out sometimes in his class.

i so understand how you feel, mine wasn;t as bad as yours but i know what it feels like now to have someone put the spotlight on you about something serious. sorry this was long


04-15-2007, 06:18 AM
wow... WOW!

i can't believe some people!

i have never been discriminated against, luckely...